chapter 22

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A day passed and everything was just about normal again, I was added back to the group chat and we all decided to put it behind us. The only thing that was left to do was talk to Jean... Jean, my boyfriend who i haven't talked too in a day and it felt really weird not. I've received multiple calls and texts from him and so I finally was ready to talk to him about it.

hey, Jean. I'm ready to talk

yeah? where do you want to meet?

library as usual?
sounds good. i'll see you then, have a good day, love

thank you, same to you

It still felt odd but at least I knew we were finally going to talk it through which was what was most important.

Sasha and I spent our morning as usual, we met up for the others for coffee at the local cafe. We all said our goodbyes and went to our lessons for the day, I walked to my music theory lesson and sat down in my seat.

A few minutes past and I was taking notes as the teacher talked through some terminology, thats until Marina walks in. Late as per usual. Was i surprised? Nope. I glanced up for a few moments before looking back down at my notebook, she made her way over and sat in the seat infront of me as she always does. The teacher of course questioned her on why she was late and her shifty excuse was that she slept in. Yeah right.

Half of class passed and we were now doing independent study for the exams next week. Marina turned around in her seat and gave me a deadly stare, "So, Y/n." She snipes. "What." I reply plainly. "I heard that you patched things up with your friends."
"Yeah, I did." I look up and meet her eyes. "You actually helped out, I didn't have to tell them and it worked out fine." I smiled at her deliberately trying to piss her off. "I'm so glad." She gritted her teeth, "Are you and Jean okay?"
"None of your business, sweetheart." I sneer. She inhaled a deep breath clearly not trying to explode, "Cool, I'm so happy."

I look back down at my notebook and continued writing, 'I'm sure you are.' I roll my eyes at the thought.

Class finally came to an end and i packed my stuff up until I was stopped by Marina. "There's a party at my house this weekend, you and your friends are all invited." She fake smiles, "Okay, sure. Thanks." I nod, I felt she was up to something but it was just a party. What could go wrong?

I left class and headed down to the library, I was kinda nervous to talk to Jean but it had to be done. I walked through the doors of the library and saw Jean sitting in our spot, I inhaled and walked over to him. "Hey..."
"Hey, Y/n.." He replied patting the spot next to him, I sat myself down and to my surprise I was pulled into a hug. I sigh as i hug him back, it was silent as my body felt tense but as a few moments past, Jean's slow breathing calmed me.

"I'm really sorry... It really wasn't what it looked like, she was trying to get me to kiss her so you would see and ruin our relationship completely. I promise I didn't want to kiss her or anything like that... I promise..." He sighs, I could tell by his tone how sorry and upset he was. "It's okay, It's all okay..." I hugged him tighter rubbing his back. "I really missed you, Jean..." I closed my eyes as the hug tightened even more. "I really missed you too..." He broke the hug and looked into my eyes with a soft smile. "It felt so weird not talking to you." He chuckled. "This is cringy but I felt like part of me was missing." I laughed at his cuteness, "Me too..." He leaned in and kiss my lips, I smile as our lips move together.

My heart warmed at feeling his soft supple lips on mine, I had never felt so strongly about someone in so long. I couldn't help but speak those 4 words...

"I love you, Jean..."

His cheeks heated up as did mine, "I love you too, Y/n." He smiled back at me, it may had only been a few months but I knew it was right. Nothing had ever felt so right.

Our lips collided once more after exchanging those 3 important words. His lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own.  I could feel the soft tickle of his breath beneath my nose, fingers carding through his hair as we breathed each other in.

Were we in a library? Yes. Did we care? No, not in that moment.

Hi!!! This chapter was kinda short again but i really just wanted a cute little chapter for you all. I've started college so updated might be kinda slow but i'll try my best <3

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊, Jean KWhere stories live. Discover now