chapter 1

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I woke up, the sun was peaking through the curtains, shining onto my face. Which was another thing that woke me up on top of the piercing sound of my alarm going off. I reached over and turned off the alarm and I huffed. I sat up and rubbed my face. The first thought that came to my mind was: My first day at college. great.

I got up and I caught a whiff of the smell of waffles coming from downstairs in the kitchen. I walked over and opened my closet and scanned through all my clothes. I just kept thinking to myself I was kinda nervous about going to college, it was a big change, I wanted to make friends since I didn't have very many back homes.

I grab a pair of black ripped mom jeans and a cute black and white tank top to go with it. I then grabbed a grey zip-up hoodie and I slid it on.

I then walked downstairs to the sight of my brother cooking. My brother loved cooking and he was very good at it, I loved it whenever he cooked.

I sat down at the table, I smile as I look back at my brother. "It smells great," I said.

He looked back at me and he smiled. "Ah, you're up" he then continued. "And thanks... It's nearly finished."

After a few minutes, he put some waffles, bacon and scrambled eggs on the plate and he sets it down in front of me. It smelt amazing. The mixture of sweet and savoury was heaven.

I smile and start eating. "You seriously need to apply for culinary school. You'd be an amazing chef" I look at him with waffles stuffed in my mouth.

He chuckles and he brushes some of his hair back. "I already have" He smiled.

I smile even more. "Wait?!! Why didn't you tell me?"

"It only happened yesterday I was planning to tell you" He replied.

"Huh. wow, well I'm happy for you" I keep smiling as I speak. "Did Dad leave early for work today?"

"Yep. He told me to tell you he wishes you luck...he was upset he couldn't say goodbye face to face." My brother replied.

"Ah...Okay.." I sigh and I finish breakfast. "Or was that just some excuse to make it seem like he cared?"

"Cut him some slack, Y/N. He is a busy guy."

"No. He doesnt try enough, he never has and you know that's true" I said annoyed, Lucas sighed. "I guess..."

"Want me to drop you off?" He asked. "Yeah, that would be great. Thanks." I replied. "Okay well ill clean up, you go brush that messy (H/C) locks of yours" He chuckled.

I smile a little and laugh a little. "Alright. Alright." I got up and I headed upstairs and start brushing my hair. I then put on some concealer and some lip gloss. I looked in the mirror and I thought.

I'm going to crush this. I may be nervous but nerves are good. I can do this. I hope today goes well. What could go wrong? ...Right? 

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊, Jean KWhere stories live. Discover now