chapter 20

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Thank you so much for over 500 reads! It honestly means a lot!! Chapters
might be a bit slow as i have long fake nails on atm and it makes it so much harder to type 😭 anyways enjoy this!!

Sasha and I ended up talking about it all, agreeing to give them space today and try to figure out something tomorrow.

I went to my classes as normal, I walked to my History class and sat in my usual spot. Marina turns to me after the teacher finishes talking. "Hey there, how has your day been?" She smiles, I look up at her from my notebook with a blank expression. "It's been fine." I lie just wanting to be left alone. "Fell out with your friendship group?" She said slyly with a smile on her face. My brow raises in confusion how she knows that, "How do you-" but then it hit me, my eyes widen as the realisation. SHE WAS THE ONE WHO SENT THE VIDEO.

Of course it was her, she probably did it out of spite now that i was now with her ex. The fucking bitch.

I knew I couldn't yell at her right here and now since i was still in class. I inhale a deep breath and look back down at my notebook, "Mhm." I mumble. Marina turns back in her chair, making a snarky comment under her breath which i couldn't quite get.

Class finally came to an end and i tried my best to avoid Marina so I wouldn't lash out at her. As much as i wanted too, i knew it wasn't the best idea. I went to my next class which went by slowly, today was definitely the worst yet. Mikasa sat next to me quietly, "Hey..." I said softly, turning my head to look at her. "Hi." She responded, "Are you mad at me too?" I sighed. "What? no.. Of course not." She inhales, "It's just the others are so.."
"Yeah, i know..." I rub my face, "I'm pretty sure i know how sent them the video." I said as I look back at Mikasa, "Yeah, Marina. She told them everything over the phone."
"She did? How does she have their numbers?" I question, "Her and Connie hooked up once." She sighs. "Ah.." I sigh as well.

Mikasa and I talked through some things, again she insisted she'd talked to Eren and Armin to convince them to talk to me - Eren more angry about it then Armin more sad. The only thing we need to all do is to communicate.

Finally, it was the end of classes for the day. Well, for me at least. It was now about 1:30ish. I promised to meet Jean around now in the library as usual, I texted Sasha making sure she was okay from earlier.

I walked into the library and set out to look for Jean, to my surprise he wasn't here? I looked around and he was no where to be seen, I was confused as to why he wasn't thats until I went round the bookshelves to one corner i hadn't checked yet. My eyes widened and my heart shattered into a million pieces as I saw Jean with Marina. Her hands were roaming around his body as she kissed him, "What the hell..." I choked out trying to stop the flood of tears.  I couldn't quite see what his facial expression was but this was enough for me to know.

Jean quickly pushes Marina off as he looks at me wide eyed, "Y/n, Look let me explain. It's not what it looks like-" He says before i cut him off. "It's exactly what it looks like, Jean. Fuck you." I spat as the tears welled up in my eyes, I turned rushing out of there.

Jean's POV
I try to get out the words of  'Stop! Wait!' but I knew it was no use. I turn to Marina who has a wicked smile on her face as she watched Y/n leave in amusement. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yell, completely disregarding that we were in a library.

"You might want to keep it down." She bites, "I don't really fucking care. You knew she was going to be here and of course you had to go do that." I bite back. "Oh come on Jean, you don't need her anyways."
"Yes. I do. Do you not get Marina? I don't. want. you." I huff, "Now ive got to fix this damn mess." I turn away and I set off to find Y/n.

I rushed inside my dorm and closed the door behind me, slowly sliding down it as the tears fell. I was so naive to think he wasn't going to hurt me. I was warned, I should've listened. why didn't I?

Sasha hears me from the kitchen and comes over to where i'm sat. "Y/n? Honey what's wrong?" She quickly rushes over and sits next to me engulfing me in a hug. No words would come out except broken sobs, my heart ached with somber.

Time passed, I finally calmed down. It still took me some time to get the words out of what happened. I felt like an idiot, Sasha reassured me to maybe i was wrong? Maybe it wasn't what it looked like?

It seemed to be a running theme of not communicating and that's all that needed to be done. Communication.

"Just leave it until tomorrow, okay?" Sasha says softly, I nod still sat on the floor with her. "Marco and Mikasa are coming over soon..." She added, "What for?" I asked looking up at her from the embrace. "I'm not sure... I think they might be bringing the others so we can talk it all out like 'adults'." She chuckles awkwardly, I sigh "Great... I really thought I was going to have a break today..."
"Yeah, I know... I'm sorry." Sasha sighed as well. "It's okay, Sasha. Hopefully we can all talk it out and move on..." I laugh breathlessly. "I hope so." She laughs with me. "Are you and Connie okay?" I mentioned, "Yeah, we're okay. We talked about it and he apologised, he said he was overreacting." She hugged me slightly tighter as she spoke. "I'm glad..." I smile weakly.

Sasha and I got up and cleaned the dorm, I showered and she made us both a hot chocolate before the others arrived. It wasn't long after that we heard a knock at the door. They were here and I was extremely nervous but it was needed to be done.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊, Jean KWhere stories live. Discover now