chapter 19

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It was now morning, the sun was peaking through the blinds. I sit up slowly trying my best not to wake the adorable sleeping Jean next to me. I look down at him, admiring his peaceful face. He's so cute when he's asleep.

I yawn and stretch, rubbing my eyes as I lean back, taking a moment to wake up. I reach over and grab my phone, to my surprise i had multiple texts from Sasha and Marco. I raise a brow, the hell?

I click on the group chat and what i saw made my heart drop.

Today, 1:30am

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Today, 1:30am

You were removed from 50 shades of disappointment

All i could think was; What the hell happened? Why did i get removed?

I didn't even look through the texts from Sasha and Marco. The first thing i did was call one of them, Sasha didn't pick, she was probably asleep so i wasn't surprised. I called Marco and he thankfully picked up.

"What going on?" I asked quickly but still whispering so i didn't disturb Jean. Marco sighs, "They know..."
"They know what?" I rambled on, kinda panicking. "They know about you and Jean.." He keeps a soft tone. "What?? how?? Sasha and Mikasa swore they wouldn't say anything? I swear to god if they hav-" Marco cuts me off, "No no, it wasn't them, they got sent a video of you and Jean at Eren's party, they worked out the rest. I wasn't told who sent them it..."

I stay silent, all i could think was how much i've messed up. Not only do they probably feel betrayed ive kept it a secret but also because i ditched them and lied to them about it. Tears starting to form in my eyes, I was terrified I lost them. "I need to talk to them..." I say. "Yeah, that would be a good idea.. But i have no idea if they will accept an apology, it hurts me to say this but this isn't going to blow over." Marco says still trying to maintain a soft tone. "Right..."
"I'll call you back and see if i can organise something so you can all talk, alright?" He reassured. "Okay.. Thanks Marco."
"No problem.. Bye, Y/n.." He says ending the call, I lean back and see a text from Connie.

don't talk to me. didn't think you of all people would do us like that.

My heart sank at the text, I can't imagine how betrayed they must feel right now. I know Marco and Sasha knew that i was with Jean that night but Mikasa didn't so she's probably upset with me too. I cover my face and silently cry, "I've fucked up so bad.." I whispered to myself as I choked out a quiet sob. "Babe...? What's wrong?" I hear Jean mumble as he rolls over looking at me. No words would come out all i could was sob into my hands, Jean quickly sits up and pulls me to his chest hugging me tightly. "Shhh..." He said as he stroked my hair, trying to comfort me. "I-I really fucked up, Jean.." I bury my head into his chest. "Hey, hey.. it's okay..." He says then kissing my head.

We ended up just sat there for ages him comforting me until i eventually stopped crying. I told him everything i knew down to the call with Marco to the text from Connie.

"I'm sorry... I feel this is my fault..." Jean sighs, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and leaning his head on mine. "No, it's not... It's mine for not being honest with them.."
"If it's anyone's fault it's the person whoever sent them the video." He reassured me. "Yeah, I don't know." I let out a shaky breath.

After awhile, we had to get up and ready for classes. "I'm going to go home and shower." I said putting on a fake smile, "Okay, i'll see you at the library at lunch?"
"Yeah, of course." I nod. Jean leans in and kisses my lips. "Bye, babe." He smiles a bit, "Bye..." I walk out and head back to my dorm, in only Jeans t-shirt because of his height It was basically a dress on me.

I walked to my dorm and stopped at the door as i heat two voices coming from the inside. Connie and Sasha. I put my ear against the door, listening to their conversation, I felt bad for ears dropping but i was curious. It appears they were arguing, i never thought i'd see the day when they actually have a heated argument that wasn't a joke.

"Connie, seriously you're overreacting!" Sasha yelled. "Me? Overreacting?? Seriously Sasha, how are you not upset about this?! Your best friend has been lying to you for months!" Connie yells back, "Hm! Say something then!" He continues. "I already knew, ive known for a while! okay!??" She finally gives in, Connie is silent for a few moments. "Great, brilliant! Screw you!" He exaggerates, walking towards the door before i could get away i'm met face to face with the grey haired boy. "Oh and now the biggest liar of them all is here." He shoves past me, I quickly furrow my brows. "Connie, stop! wait a damn second." He stops in his tracks after he hearing me, he turns and looks at me with a scowl. "What."

"I'm sorry, Connie but please don't be mad at Sasha. It's not her fault..." I sigh. "Got it." He turns to walk away again, "Connie can we just talk about this!" I yell at him but he completely ignores me as he walks down the hall. I rub my face and walk into Sasha and Is dorm, closing the door behind me, I see Sasha sat on the bed her hands covering her face. I put my used clothes on the side to put them in the washing machines later. I walk over to Sasha and I put my arm around her shoulder, I lean against her. "I'm sorry..." She looks up at me and with a soft smile as she sighs, "Dont be sorry.. I just hope he comes around."
"Yeah me too." I frown as wraps her arm around my waist to comfort me.

Hey!!! sorry this chapter is shorter i just wanted to get this up as quickly as i could. chapter 20 will be out by tuesday hopefully!! thanks so much'

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊, Jean KWhere stories live. Discover now