chapter 10

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Jean's POV
I texted Marco asking where he was. I needed to talk to him. He said he was in his dorm so that's where I went. I approached the door and I knocked. To my surprise, Connie opened the door. "What are you doing here?" He spat, I then inhaled. "I'm here to talk to Marco." "Why?" Connie questioned me. "About a project" I lie, I felt bad but I didn't owe Connie that honesty anymore, I'm pretty sure he hates me anyway.

Connie nods and lets me in, I honestly thought he was going to tell me to fuck off. I walk to Marcos room and I knock, he tells me to come in and I do. "Hey," I said, Marco is sitting on his bed and he looks up at me. "Oh, hi. what did you need to talk about?"

I walk over and lean against his desk. "The fact that you're running your mouth to Y/N and how that has pissed me off." As soon as I say that Marco's smile drops. "What did she tell you?" He swallows. "I think you know what she said. Why would you do that? Do you think that low of me? I get it. I hurt you, but come on, man! You know I would NEVER take advantage of a girl like that." I felt anger rise in me. I was pissed.

"I don't know... I just..." Marco says. "You just what, Marco?" I said as I cross my arms. He's quiet for a few moments and he snaps. "I like her, okay? And I didn't want her to go for you and I know before you say anything! It was selfish. I'm sorry..." He sighs, looking back down at the floor. "Oh..." I didn't know what to say but I decided to give in, I couldn't stay mad at him. "It's okay..."

"Really?" His head perks up. "Yeah," I replied.

I walk over and sit next to him. "You want me to be completely honest with you?" He nods. "Yeah, what is it?" Marco kept a soft tone. "I was mostly upset because I wanted to prove to someone I'm not as bad as everyone thinks. I guess I just wanted a chance..." I say, Marco's face softens. "Yeah, I get that. I'm sorry again... I didn't know.." "It's fine." I felt like an idiot now expressing my feelings like this, but hopefully, Marco tells Y/N that I wouldn't use her like how he said I would.

I say goodbye and I leave and to my surprise, I get a text from Marco.

Hey, I'm sorry again and I'll make sure to talk to y/n. you deserve a chance. I know we're not friends anymore but I still care about you.

My heart aches a bit at the 'we're not friends together anymore'. I do miss Marco sometimes but alas it is what it is.

After school, Sasha and Connie went to a fast food place and we hang out for a few hours. Then we met up with Eren, Mikasa and Armin, for some reason Marco didn't hang out with us today. Which I thought was kinda weird so I was planning on calling him once Sasha and I got home. But other than that hanging out with them all, was fun. I am loving my new group of friends.

Sasha and I finally got back home and she told me she was going to shower and so she did, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to call Marco.

I waited for him to answer and he thankfully picked up. "Hey! It's me. Y/N. I just wanted to see why you didn't hang out with us today? We missed you" I smiled softly. "Oh, right! I missed you too" He chuckled. "And yeah, I wanted to catch up on some school work, I was planning to call you" He insisted. "Oh okay, What did you need?" I asked. "I just wanted to correct what I said about Jean, what I said earlier isn't true. He wouldn't take advantage of you..." Marco says. I knew instantly that he meant it, especially by his tone. "So you lied?" My tone becomes more serious, I felt a bit hurt that he would lie to me like that. "Yeah... I'm sorry..." He said sounding guilty. "Why would you lie?" I kept my stern tone. "I..." He swallowed, clearly sounding upset. "I don't know..."

What Sasha said earlier came to mind and I just had to know. "Do you like me, Marco?" I asked. "What?" He said. I then asked again. "Do you like me?" He sighs. "Yes...I do." "And you thought I was going to go for some guy I barely know? You could've just talked to me?" I said. I couldn't help but feel offended and on top of that betrayed because he lied to my face. Maybe I'm overreacting? but I hate liars. I've dealt with plenty and I can't deal with them.

He doesn't answer my question. "Okay, fine. I see how it is. I'm disappointed, Marco. I didn't expect this from you of all people." I hung up right after. I lay back and sighed. I just need to shower and to sleep this all off and now I was starting to feel bad about how I talked to Jean earlier.

After a while, Sasha came out of the bathroom. "You can shower now" She smiled. "Thanks" I smiled back as I stood up and went into the bathroom. I showered and did whatever else I needed to do for my nightly routine.

I came out still feeling down and Sasha instantly knew something was up. "What's wrong, Y/N?" She opens her hug out for a hug, I walked over tiredly and I hugged her tightly. "Marco lied to me about the Jean thing... I don't know why it's bothering me so much..." I said, Sasha rubbed my back. "It's bothering you because you trusted him and he's your friend..." I nodded in response. "It's just so shit... Because now I feel bad about how I talked to Jean earlier" I added. "Why don't you try and talk to him tomorrow?" "I guess I could..." Sasha kept rubbing my back. "Do you know why he made that up?" "You were right... He likes me" "Wow... So he said that so you wouldn't go for someone else?" I nod in response. "That's selfish of him... Especially how he cares about Jean" Sasha said. "Yeah, exactly and it just makes Jean looks bad when I'm in reality he probably is a good guy..."

Sasha and I just talk about the situation for a while. I'm going to talk to Jean tomorrow and apologise for how I spoke to him. Hopefully, it goes okay.

I went to sleep that night, still upset about Marco but I guess I'll talk to him when I'm not so upset about it. I feel like every day is just getting harder, I hope it gets better.
Hi!!! I hope you enjoyed this. The tea is getting hot. >:)

Get ready for more! The next chapter will include a lot more Jean hehe

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊, Jean KWhere stories live. Discover now