chapter 6

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At lunch, I sat at the café with Eren, Mikasa, Connie, Sasha and Marco. We all talked about our days so far, Marco and I especially got along as he was transferring to my music class. So, that was another thing we had in common.

Then came the college party conversation.

"(y/n), you can come with us. it is a lot more fun when you're with a group of friends!" Sasha exclaimed. "Hell yeah." Connie nudged Eren. "Competition who can down the most shots again" "Duh! I'll win" Eren added. "Just be careful you two" Marco said. "Yeah, don't die," Armin added on to Marcos point.

I snicker a bit with Mikasa and Sasha. "Alright, this sounds fun," I said, I didn't want to bring up that the Marina girl asked me just in case it caused any conflict.

We finished eating and headed to our last class after it finished. I met back up with Mikasa and Sasha, and we planned to get ready together. I was excited, I made a group of friends and I was already going out tonight with them all. I'd never been so included before and it was a nice feeling.

The party wasn't until 8 pm, so we had a lot of time to kill. Sasha, Mikasa and I were all sitting on the floor, eating some snacks, well, most of it was being eaten by Sasha but I didn't mind and I don't think Mikasa did either. We were just talking about whatever until Sasha spoke up. "So, (y/n)? Marco seems pretty fond of you." She smirked and Mikasa nodded agreeing. "What? What do you mean?" I asked awkwardly, I knew exactly what she meant. "He seems to like you. A lot. And you. Seem to like him" Sasha snickered, I blushed slightly. "I don't know... He's sweet and cute.." I admitted.

Sasha jumped up and screamed. "OH MY GOD! ADORABLE!" Mikasa laughed with me. "Sasha calm down" "Yeah...I just said he was cute. I don't like him, like him. I've known him one whole day." I laughed, Sasha sat back down and looked at me. "I know but still! You should see what happens."

"It wouldn't hurt to try" Mikasa smiled. "Okay..maybe...I'll see." I giggled, We talked for a few hours more until I got a text from an 'Unknown Number'. I looked at the text and it said: 'Hi, girly! Its Marina. You coming to the party?' I texted back. 'Yeah, I'm going with some friends. I'll see you there maybe?' She quickly responded with just an 'Okay' and a blowing a kiss emoji. Mikasa glanced over at me as she started looking at the two dresses she brought with her, deciding which she should wear. Sasha was in the bathroom, showering while I was sitting on my bed.

"Who was that?" Mikasa asked, I looked up at her. "Oh, that Marina girl? Connie warned me about her but she seems nice?" I said. "hmm, be careful, okay?" Mikasa kept looking at me. "I will.." I smiled. "Now, which dress are you going to wear?" "Hm...I don't know. Black or Red?" She looked back at the dresses, holding them up to her while she was looking in the mirror. "I think you should go for the red." I smiled. "Okay," She nodded.

After Sasha got out of the shower, I got in. I headed out and Sasha was sitting in front of the mirror doing her makeup, she was wearing a green silk strap shirt and some black jeans which highlighted her curves. She looked amazing. Mikasa had on the red dress, it hugged her body perfectly. "You guys look hot," I said. "Thanks.." Mikasa said.

I did my makeup and hair and then I walked over to my closet and I picked out an outfit:

I put on the tight white long sleeved shirt, and I slid the patterned skirt, then a pair of black heels

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I put on the tight white long sleeved shirt, and I slid the patterned skirt, then a pair of black heels. Sasha and Mikasa looked over jaws dropped. "Woah! You look smoking hot, (y/n)." Sasha exclaimed. "Yeah, you look amazing" Mikasa smiled at me. I blushed and laughed a bit. "Thanks, guys.."

We finally got ready and we walked out to meet the guys. I wasn't going to lie but we looked hot.

As we approached the guys, they saw us and their jaws dropped as we kept walking towards them, my eyes focusing more on Marco. I was still thinking about the girls and I's conversation earlier about the freckled cutie.

"You look great guys," Marco said. "Yeah, y'all are hot" Connie smirked as he quickly got nudged by Eren. "Shut up, Perv." Connie winced. "Alright, alright. Jeez, it was just a compliment." We all laughed. "Wheres Armin?" I questioned. "He gets anxious at parties, so he's staying back at the dorm to study," Eren said. "Ah, okay... Makes sense."

We talked for a bit and then headed into the party. The music was loud, the smell of weed filled the room. "Shots?" Eren smirked at Connie. "You bet!" Eren turned back to us. "See ya!" He yelled as he and Connie ran off to drink. We laughed as we watched them run off like little kids despite them being 18 years old.

The four of us walked around and got a drink. Marco and I ended up losing Sasha and Mikasa but we knew we'd see them at some point. We maintained small talk and some light flirting, Marco was growing on me. I told him I was going to the bathroom and I did, I walked back out and couldn't see Marco anywhere. He must've got swept away by the crowd or something. I started walking through the crowd of people until I got into a more open space. I got shoved by someone who was walking past and I fell into someone. The guy spilt his drink all over the floor as I looked behind me realising the impact of me being pushed into him. My eyes widened as I looked up at the tall handsome male, he was at least 6,3.

"I'm s-sorry- I didn't mean to bump into you- someone pushed me" I rambled nervously until I heard a chuckle. "Hey, It's okay. It's happened to all of us." I let out a sigh of relief. "Phew, yeah.. thanks" I laughed awkwardly. I looked back up at the tall male and I admired his features. He had a sharp jawline and a small beard that fit across it, his light ash-brown mullet which fit his face perfectly. He was wearing black ripped jeans, a dark green shirt and a leather jacket. He had a good fashion sense. This man looked as if he was carved by a Greek god, I was lost in his hazel brown eyes. "Enjoying the view?" The man said smugly as he smiled, I quickly snapped out of my trance of admiring him. "oH- uh- what? no- I mean".

He rested his hand on my shoulder. "I'm Jean Kirstein." He said as he kept his handsome smile plastered on his face.

Did he just say his name was Jean? The same Jean who was friends with Eren and our group?

"And you are?" He asked. I swallowed as I spoke. "I'm (y/n)(l/n)" I don't know why I was so nervous? There was just something about him that made my heart skip a beat.

"Nice to meet you," Jean said and I nodded in agreement. "You too.." All I could think is that I needed to find Marco.

" I'll see you around..." I smiled nervously and I quickly walked off.

Jean's POV
I watched as the girl walked off, she looked beautiful but I instantly knew she was out of my league.

She was a young vulnerable girl at a party surrounded by a bunch of drunks. I knew there would be a guy that would try and get it on with her.

I kept an eye on her just in case until I saw her be stopped by a guy. He better not try anything or his ass is getting kicked I thought to myself. I know I only just met the girl and I barely knew her but I still wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her. She seemed so sweet and innocent just by our little encounter.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊, Jean KWhere stories live. Discover now