chapter 5

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As we approached them, I got a better look at them all. The brown-haired boy wore a hoodie and some black jeans, the raven-haired girl wore all black, she was a goth but my god she looked good. The blonde boy next to her wore glasses and had a dorky shirt on but he was so cute. Next to Armin was the freckled boy who called us over. They said their hellos and greeted them, Sasha then spoke introducing us. "(y/n) this is Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Marco" Pointing at each one as she went along. "And guys, this is (y/n)" She smiled.

"Nice to meet you!" The freckled boy exclaimed. "Yeah, it is," Armin said.

We talked for a bit and it was very pleasant. I told them about how I moved here and that's why I was late compared to everyone else.

"So, What's England like?" Eren asked. "it's kind of sad and cloudy most days." I laughed, everyone also chuckled along with me. "I love British accents," Marco said. "heh. Thanks, I hate them" I laughed a little. "Well, I suppose that's what you're used to so. But I think yours is very pretty" He said, I blushed a little. I wasn't going to lie, he was very cute and was my type.

"Alright, freckles. Stop flirting" Connie said as he laughed. Everyone snickered along and I blushed and I could also see the light red blush on his cheeks too.

We all talked for a bit longer until it was nearly time to go to class. We all established what classes we had and it turns out Mikasa and I both had a morning lecture together. We said our goodbyes to the little group and Mikasa and I started walking to the class.

We maintained small talk until we got into our class, she sat down as I talked to the teacher. I blinked as he turned to me with a scowl on his face, he was very uh...short. I tried so hard not to laugh.

"Hi..uh... I'm kinda new? Where should I sit?" I asked. "On the floor, clearly" He snapped, I blinked and laughed awkwardly. "Right, I'll just sit wherever and hope for the best" I walked away and sat next to Mikasa. "What is up with our teacher?" I looked at her. "Oh? Mr Ackerman? Yeah, he's always in a mood. Don't take it to heart that's just how he is with everyone" She laughed. "Ah, right. That makes more sense" I chuckled.

The class went by really slow as Mr Ackerman barely said much. But alas, I didn't take it to heart as Mikasa said.

I said my goodbyes to her and I headed to my next class. Music. I sat down at a desk in the corner, I listened to the teacher while doodling in my notebook until I heard someone walk in. "Sorry I'm late, I hats something to do," A girl said as I looked up. It was that Marina girl, Connie warned me about. I adjusted myself as I sat up a bit, I tensed as the girl sat in front of me. I looked back down at my notebook.

Marina reapplied some lip gloss and looked back at me. "You're new?" She asked. I looked up and nodded. "Thought so. I've never seen you around before, so." She said. "Yeah.." I laughed a little.

"What's your name?" She asked another question. "I'm (y/n). You?" I asked even though I already knew her name. "Marina," She said simply. "Are you coming to the party tonight?"

"I didn't know there was one" I laughed awkwardly. "huh, well you should come with me and my girlfriend's. You're very pretty, you'd fit right in" She smiled. "Oh, haha. Maybe.." I didn't like parties that much, loud, drunk or high crowds were not really my forte. "well, whatever you want. text me, what's your number?" Marina added as she handed me her phone. "Oh! yeah sure.." I then put my number in and saved it, I handed her phone back to her. "Thanks, hun" She smiled as she turned back in her seat. I know Connie and Sasha warned me about her but she seems so nice? Little did I know she was going to be a real Regina George.

Sorry, this Chapter was shorter again but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! More tea is to come at the party. Be ready >:)

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊, Jean KWhere stories live. Discover now