Chapter 11

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Morning soon came by and I woke up feeling a lot better but I still had to apologise to Jean about our encounter yesterday.

I got up and showered, I put on some makeup and I chose an outfit:

I got up and showered, I put on some makeup and I chose an outfit:

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I paired it all with a pair of black converse and my backpack. Sasha and I went out for breakfast as usual and I got my usual to eat with a coffee to take away.

I had a free period first and Sasha had a class. We ended up meeting with Connie, Eren and Mikasa, Armin had an early lecture so he was busy and for Marco, he's avoiding me but to be honest I didn't want to see him.

I said my goodbyes to them and I headed towards the library, I walked on and sat down on one of the bean bags in the corner. It was warm and comfy. I pulled out my book and started reading.

I read for a while until I felt a tall figure tower over me. "Can I sit here?" A voice said. I looked up and saw Jean, this was the perfect time to talk to him. "Yeah..sure..." I replied.

He sat down on the bean bag opposite me. He was wearing black jeans that had a chain on them, he wore them with a white shirt and his usual leather jacket. On top of that, he wore a silver chain across his neck and he looked damn good. As always. I hated to admit it.

Before he could say anything I spoke. "I'm sorry about the other day and how I talked to you...I didn't mean to just assume anything." He chucked. "It's alright. Marco was just being snarky" He sighs after saying the last part. "That must've bothered you? Especially how well he knows you." I said. "Yeah, it did but I'm over it now," He said but little did I know, he was lying.

We talked about the situation with Marco and everything. The conversation flowed, I enjoyed talking to him. I don't understand what's so bad about him?

"I do have one question... Is it true you do sleep around?" I know it wasn't any of my business but my curiosity got the best of me. "Yeah, I do. what? is that an offer?" He grinned, joking around. I laughed and nudged him. "Oh hush." He laughed along with me.

The rang and I had a class now, I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. I wanted to talk to him for a bit longer. "Well, I've got a class now" I smile at him "Yeah, so do i" He smiles back at me, standing up. I stood as well. "I'll walk you to your class if you want?" He asked. "Uh yeah sure. What a gentleman you are" I laugh. "You're welcome" He laughed.

He walked me to my class and we kinda just talked about whatever. We got along well.

"I'll see you later" I smile. "Yeah, are you coming to the party tonight?" He asked. "Yeah, Sasha was telling me about it this morning" "Alright cool, I'll see you then," He said, he give me a quick smile and walks off.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊, Jean KWhere stories live. Discover now