chapter 3

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//sorry last chapter was so short! this one is longer :)) I hope you enjoy it!!//

Lucas helped me with my bags and we got the keys to my dorm. We walked up to my room as we entered we looked around, placing my backpack on the bed and I sat down on my bed.

"Looks like your roommate isn't here?" Lucas said as he pushed my suitcase to the corner. "Yeah, I guess so" I sat up. "It gives me some time to unpack." I got up and started unpacking. "I'll help," Lucas said as he started helping. Tensions were still high from our conversation in the car. We usually would just pretend our arguments never happened and never spoke about them, that's how things have always been.,

We unpacked everything in silence, a few words were spoken when he asked me where things should go.

After we finished unpacking everything, I sat on the bed. "Thanks for the help..." I said. "No problem." He replied. "Well, I best get going, I'll see you on the weekend maybe?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later" I stood up and hugged him, forgetting about our previous disagreement. "I'll miss ya, sis" "I'll miss you too," I said softly as I broke the hug. He smiled at me and walks out of the room, I lay on the bed and sigh, already missing the comfort of my own home. I grabbed my book 'The Girl On The Train' and started reading it; I always loved thriller and crime books, the thrill of what might happen next was one of my favourite feelings when reading.

I read for about an hour until I heard someone unlock the door and walk-in. She was a brunette with brown eyes, her hair was tied back nicely and she was eating...a potato? But I wasn't going to question it.

The brown-haired girl noticed me and a wide smile formed on her face. "Oh my god! Hi! You must be my new roommate" She exclaimed. I sat up and smiled. "Hi, yeah. that's me" I stood up as I put my book to the side. "I'm (Y/N)"

"Nice to meet you! I'm Sasha!" She kept a bright smile on her face. "You too," I said. She walked over to her bed and sat and I did the same on mine. "So, how come you're a month late?" She asked me as I looked at her. "Oh..yeah. Right... I moved here from England two months ago for a fresh start...I guess." I smiled weakly. "Right! I could tell by your accent." Sasha exclaimed. "Yeah.." I laughed a bit.

"What are you studying?" I asked the brunette. "I'm studying ancient history, what about you?" She smiled. "I'm studying music" I replied. "OMG! that's cool! Do you play any instruments?" "Oh, yeah I do. I play the guitar, piano, violin and flute. I was kinda known as a music prodigy back home" I chuckled, Sasha's jaw dropped. "No way! You must be talented!" I couldn't help but laugh and blush at the comment. "Eh...Kinda"

We ended up talking until midnight just talking about whatever and getting to know each other, Sasha and I clicked.  It was like I had known her for years even though I only met her a few hours ago. I was really happy she ended up being my roommate, I was worried it was going to be some stuck up snob and all we would do is sit in our dorm in silence.

I stared at the ceiling, still feeling nervous for classes tomorrow. I didn't know who I was going to meet but that was kind of exciting, to say the least. I eventually rested my eyes and drifted off.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊, Jean KUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum