twenty two

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tenya iida p.o.v

i've never seen kirishima this determined before; it's truly a change of scenery as izuku is usually the most determined of us all here.

wait- where is izuku?

"hey wheres izuku?" i asked kirishima as we marched towards our desired location.

kirishima sighed, "he's the traitor dude."

"how is he the traitor? there's no way."

"yeah," aoyama butted in, "basically deku is the one with the strongest connection to all might, he has two quirks one of then being the ghost quirk."


"meaning deku kidnapped bakugo."

"he what?" kirishima's voice dropped as he stopped, looking to aoyama.

"it makes sense! why else would deku and bakugo both be gone?" aoyama rolled his eyes.

"guys we can't fight right now, we need to go save bakugo." sero said, pushing between them both.

"sero is right, come on guys." i instructed.

we were already close to the destination we thought izuku would go, we were just afraid bakugo wouldn't be there.

we snuck into this old, abandoned storage unit facility to see no sight of deku, but a sight of bakugo.

"guys you keep watch, mina and momo come with me to break him out. jirou listen to make sure no one is coming." kirishima whispered as he gave us all instructions.

we checked everywhere and surrounded where bakugo was, making a defensive shield. jirou sat near the entrance, their earplug plugged into the walls to hear any vibrations.

"baby, please, get me out!" bakugo whisper yelled. i could only hear him but i heard something else in the distance.

"someone's coming!" jirou announced as she backed away from the entrance.

"alright, time to get this party started! save bakugo party!" denki grinned as electricity started to fly around him.

distant clapping soon echoed around us as we all took reasonable stances to fight back. sure, i was nervous, but in order for u.a to be back in regulation, izuku needed to be taken out.

"so? kacchan's little friends finally arrived!" his attire had changed, and so has his entire personality, "oh, and his little rock boyfriend too!"

"what in the wicked witch of the west kinda shit-"

"shut it my chemical romance. now, what are you guys doing here?" he asked us, eyeing us up and down.

bakugo was on his knees behind us all, kirishima holding his shoulders as we stood around them both in a circle.

"we're here to save bakugo shithead." denki smiled.


izuku laughed, loudly. he snapped his fingers as multiple villains started to reveal themselves, "i suggest you mind your words kami."

denki tched, rolling his eyes, "i'll do and say whatever the fuck i please."

"grab him."

ome villain in purple, torn clothes stepped forward. her hair was in knots and her emerald, green eyes pierced into our souls.

she lunged towards denki and managed to get him on the ground.

"fucking-" denki shocked her, breathing heavily as he pushed her now limp body off, "easy peasy!"

"get them!" izuku ordered, anger filling his voice.

the army of villains started to attack us, there was no room to breath, no room to think, nothing. my mind drew a blank and i didn't know what to do.

"iida! go get the pros! hurry!" mina yelled as she was forced down onto the ground by some man.

"mina. . ." i mumbled.

i lung at the man and push him off of her, keeping him on the ground. i threw punch after punch at his face until he was bleeding all over, begging me to stop.

i got up and kicked him, scoffing.

"thanks class pres!" mina smiled.

"anytime." i smiled back.

"hey um-" sero interrupted, "i know you guys are all lovey dovey right now, but we're all sort of being attacked right now so if iida will please go get the pros."

"i'll be right back, i promise." i vowed to my peers, bowing my head.

"go iida!" mina cheered.

i smiled softly before running out of the storage units.


the book comes closer and closer to an end

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