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??? p.o.v

my eyes slowly fluttered open to a blonde girl looming over me. her messy space buns dangled as she smiled down at me.

"toga?" i sat up immediately.

"hey! we were wondering if you wanted us to deal you in the next go fish match between me and dabi!" toga calmly suggested as she hides a dead fish behind her back.

"what the hell is that?-" i asked, pointing to the fish.

"oh! this is jeremy! i adopted him today!" toga grinned, shoving the fish in my face.

"babes i think its dead-" i said disgustedly as i pushed it away.

"you're so mean~! what did jeremy do to you?" toga asked me as she wiped away a fake tear.

"he died." i rolled my eyes as i got off of the couch, cracking my back.

"ughh dabi! he's being mean to me!" toga yelled as she scampered away.

"fucking children . ." i mumbled as i stuffed my hands in my pockets.

i walk to all for one's private office and knock on the door.

"come in," his gravely like voice responded.

i opened the door to see shigaraki complaining to all for one, who wasn't paying any mind whatsoever.

"what do you want?"

"i need to head back, i don't want to seem more suspicious then i already do." i replied solidly.

"alright, go." he waved me off.

"nah i'm going out that way," i point to the window as i back up towards the wall.

"what the hell do you think you're doing kid?" shigaraki asked me with his itchy, rough voice.

"what do you think i'm doing?" i laughed as i ran and jumped through the window.

the glass didn't break, neither did i feel any pain whatsoever when i landed. i needed to get back quick and i'm not sure how.

i start to look at my surroundings to see what i could use to my ability, but nothing seemed to catch my eye. my quirk can only do so much on it's own.

it was then a motorcycle came into view. i smiled to myself before running towards it and revving it up. lucky me, still had the keys in it. new motorcycle for me.

i back up before turning onto the road and speeding as quick as i could back to u.a. i looked past the traffic lights as i dodged cars and whatnot.

i loved the rush, the wind in my hair, the thrill. everything.

maybe i should ride like this more often haha.

it wasn't long before i reached campus. i slowly turned the engine off as i got off the motorcycle. i guided it to my dorm building as i made sure the coast was clear.

"hello? is someone out there?"

a flashing light began to flicker as a familiar voice striked in the night. goosebumps tickled my skin delicately as i started to quicken my pace, sticking close to the side of the building.

"if anyone is out there, show yourself!" they yelled.

i turn a corner as the bright light shined down. it was then i realized i'm finally back at the dorms.

i quickly walk the motorcycle to the end of the wall, parking it in the small area. i back up a little before running into the wall, passing through it with ease.

i thought that i was invisible before looking at my hand and no longer seeing it, knowing it had worked.

i quickly run to my dorm room and silently shut the door, taking a deep breath.

i got away with it tonight.



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