27 - family (end)

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"I think that was the last box. That's it we're done." I let out a cheerful noise as Olli heaved the last few of my belongings into the back of Tommi's van.

Today was the day I could finally move into my new apartment. I didn't expect the whole band to pull up to Aleksi's place today but when I walked out of my room this morning, they were all standing infront of me, ready to get to work. Without me knowing they had organized everything on their own, almost making me get a little emotional when I realized how well we all got along after such a short time of knowing each other.

I even overcame the struggle of thinking that one of them would hate me forever, regardless of what I did. Joel's and my connection to each other had taken an unexpected turn and now I found myself falling in love with the blonde haired one over and over again with every day that passed.

"We're good to go now." Tommi gave me a big thumbs up. The tall man that was the most heart-wearming and calm soul I had ever met actually turned out to be the one that ordered the others around today.

"Okay guys let's drive over to Naomi's new place then. Olli you will drive with Tommi, right? Niko and Joonas will drive with me. And you Naomi?" Joel pointed at me. His hair was tied up in a messy bun and he wore a black tank top and black skinny jeans that were ripped at his knees as usual. "I will drive with Aleksi." I answered and smiled at the dark haired one that was eagerly waving his keys at me.

"Alright boys and girls. Let's do this." Niko shouted for some reason and beat his chest. The man with the brown long hair was always there to lighten up the mood when needed.

Everyone got into their vehicles. Tommi and Olli were the first one's to drive off, followed by Joel, Niko and Joonas. "Are you ready?" Aleksi asked as he turned on the engine of his car. "Yes I think I am." The familiar apartment complex slowly started to move into distance as Aleksi hit the gas.

Somehow a feeling of sadness overcame me once we were driving away from the place that had created so many beautiful but also a lot of heart breaking memories. I already missed living together with the dark haired one. Every morning I woke up, Aleksi had greeted me with his tired blue eyes and a warm hug. We were both terrible at cooking but that made trying out new recipes together while ruining the kitchen to the point where we had to scrub the stove for hours just so much more fun. And the endless movie nights we spent together on that big comfortable couch of his, breaking out in laughter because somehow we always ended up choosing the most crappy horror movies. We really had a talent for that.

"Hey, are you okay?" Aleksi must have noticed my melancholic state of mind. His light blue eyes met mine for a second. "I'm gonna miss this, you know. I'm gonna miss you." I answered and ruffled his fluffy black hair with my fingers. "I'm gonna miss you too. But don't worry I can always come visit you and you can come visit me too." He smiled and placed his hand ontop of mine. His soft touches worked miracles, they were immediately calming me down and distracted me from my inner nervousness. I knew that, although we didn't live together anymore, Aleksi and I would still spend a lot of time together and that made me truly happy.

The guys were already unloading Tommi's van when Aleksi pulled into the parking lot and after I had unlocked all the doors with my very own key we could all get to work.

I was really glad that I had six guys with me to help me out. It didn't take the seven of us long to move all the stuff from the back of the drummer's van into my apartment. Without them it would have probably taken me several hours to heave all those heavy boxes upstairs.

Joonas, Joel and Niko were making a competition out of who could carry the most boxes. They were running up and down the stairs yelling at each other, carrying way too much weight but it was fun to watch how they were all individually so eager to beat the other two members of the band.

Joel Hokka / Blind Channel - ENEMIES WITH BENEFITS (English)Where stories live. Discover now