5 - just delusional?

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When I walked out of my room and over to the fridge to grab a beer, the guys didn't even notice me because they were so invested in what was going on on the big TV screen.

Instead the boys began a scuffle that ended up in them slamming their bodies ontop of each other like little boys who were imitating the wrestlers they saw on television, it was absolutely hilarious to watch.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and leaned my body over the kitchen counter, continuing to watch them fight without saying a word. I wanted to see how long it took them to realize that I was in a room. After about a minute the match ended and Aleksi turned off the TV while I was still standing there trying to not burst out into laughter.

"That final slam was soooo brutal!" Tommi growled and started to punch his chest like a gorilla. At this point I couldn't hold myself back anymore and started to laugh loudly but warmly. Immediately I could see how all their eyes turned on me through my blurry vision that was resulted by me laughing tears by now.

"Hey Naomi, what are you doing here?" Joonas asked curiously and alternately looked at me and Aleksi. "Oh, she moved in with me. I invited her to stay until she finds a new apartment. There have been a few big issues with her current one." Aleksi explained and everyone looked at him in disbelief. I didn't know why everyone seemed so shocked, I mean did it really seem that absurd to them. They knew that Aleksi and I had lived together before. Or was there maybe something they knew that I didn't know about?

"Really Aleksi? I didn't expect you to let that happen after-" Joel was cut off by Niko who covered the blonde guy's mouth with his hand and all one could percieve was incomprehensible mumbling. "What?" Now I was the one who looked confused as I slowly sat down onto the couch between Aleksi and Olli.

"Oh you know how Joel is, don't pay attention to him." Niko kept pressing his hand on Joel's mouth. I turned my head to Aleksi. I expected some kind of answer, some kind of explanation from him but he avoided eye contact and looked in a completely different direction the whole time. I really wanted to hear what Joel was about to say until Niko stopped him but then again I knew how much Joel despised me and I probably shouldn't want to hear any words that left this mans mouth. "Whatever. Thank you for shutting up Joel Niko, it's so much more relaxing now." I said and took a sip from my bottle, earning contemptuous looks from Joel but the other guys were laughing so I felt satisfied in a sense.

The next hour the boys and I spent chatting about their album production. The guys and especially Niko and Aleksi tried to come up with ways of how they could include me in the production now that they got to know me better and were confident enough about my abilities.

It had been a long time since I had exchanged my thoughts about music production with other people in the industry, the whole conversation was truly so refreshing. You could just see how every single one of the guys was an expert in their field and if you combined all their knowledge together it resulted in an amazing independent band who knew what they were doing and did everything their own way until it was perfect.

Since we had chatted for so long I had obviously already emptied my bottle a while ago. My mouth was now dry from talking the whole time, so I decided to get up to grab myself another drink while the guys were going back to talking about WWE and got increasingly louder and louder. I opened the fridge in the kitchen and exchanged the empty bottle in my hand for one that was filled.

When I closed the fridge and turned around to lean over the kitchen counter I saw Joel walking in my direction. Knowing this couldn't mean any good I immediately looked away, trying to ignore him.

He passed by me and I heard how he opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle and opened it up. Then I heard the door of the fridge behind me close again. I expected the blonde haired man to pass by me again and sit back down on the couch, but he didn't.

Instead I slightly felt his hand grabbing my arm and the end of his hair tickling my neck which immediately sent shivers running down my spine and put me on a full alert. "Do you want to know what I wanted to say earlier?" He whispered in a cold rough voice that made my whole body shiver. "Yes." I answered without reflecting my answer once and turned around.

"I never thought Aleksi would ever let you live with him again after the way he talked about you." He hissed. His face was still so close to my ear that I could feel the ends of his hair slightly moving on the skin of my neck and shoulder.

"Talk about me? What do you mean?" I knew very well that I absolutely shouldn't have this conversation right now and especially not with Joel but I was just too curious.

"Oh he talks a lot about you. Especially how you ripped his little heart into pieces Naomi." I could hear that Joel had a hard time keeping his voice down by how agressive his words and looks were towards me. I couldn't make any sense of what he was saying. Ripping Aleksi's heart apart? Me? He must have confused me with someone else or he just made this whole thing up. But what he said could not be true that was for sure.

"You're delusional." I wanted to push him away and join the others again who were by now more or less violently yelling at each other and didn't notice anything about what was going on between me and Joel right now, but Joel grabbed my arm tighter.

"He was so madly in love with you Naomi. Did you know that? Do you even know how long it took him to get over you, even when he was back in Finland. He was having one girl after another, trying to numb the pain you caused. Everytime he heard how you were getting your back blown out in the room next to him, his heart got ripped apart just a little more, day after day. He wanted nothing more than to be the one that made you scream the way you were screaming when your boyfriend was over. You destroyed him. And now you dare coming back into his life to destroy what's left of him, whore."

For a moment the world around me stopped spinning. I just stood there staring at the blonde man with my mouth wide open, not knowing how to react.

Joel's words slowly sank in, still I couldn't comprehend them. I got hit by a wave of emotions and had to tear up. The next moment I found myself raising my hand and in a blink of an eye my palm met Joel's face with a loud banging noise.

The whole room immeadiately fell silent all the others were looking at us in shock. "Woah hey, hey guys!" Niko jumped up and rushed towards us while I was trying to get loose from Joel's still very tight grip on my arm. Joel clenched his jaw, feeling his cheek with one of his hands looking at me with so much hatred that I expected him to hit me back any time. When he finally let go of me, I started to cry violently and began to run back to my room. "What the hell did you do?!" I heard Niko yell as I reached my room and slammed the door infront of Aleksi who I saw running after me.

I slid down against the door until my body hit the ground and looked into the emptiness while the tears kept coming and coming.

I didn't know who hurt me the most. Joel with his harsh words or Aleksi that I had known for so long and only now got to learn that he seemed to have feelings for me. And I didn't even hear it from him.

I just hoped that Joel was an insanely good liar and none of the things he said were true. That this was all part of him expressing how much he hated me and Aleksi was just a tool he used to get to me. Then again that could also be the case if his words were true. How could I let him get to me that quickly, that was exactly what he wanted, that was exactly how he wanted to see me.

I heard how the voices in the room behind me became more and more silent. A few minutes later Aleksi knocked on my door. "Naomi, are you alright." I could not bear to have a conversation with him right now. On the other hand I couldn't give Joel the satisfaction of seeing us being torn apart by his words. I had to talk to Aleksi. I slowly got up and opened the door looking right into Aleksi's worried face.

Author's note:
Now that escalated quickly, well. I still have a few more days left where I have to do not that much stuff for university so I am going to write more chapters I guess, yay. Thank you for all your kind comments on my last chapters btw.❣

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