4 - moving

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"Should I help you or?..." Aleksi watched me struggle to heave the heavy suitcase and the two boxes into the trunk of his car. Once again it showed that I had absolutely no power in my arm muscles.

"No I'm good." I grunted and finally the suitcase landed inside the car with a loud banging noise.

"See, I got it." With my hands on my hips and a satisfied look on my face I waited for more instructions. Aleksi closed the trunk and opened the front door of his car. "What are you waiting for, get in." I gladly took his invite and sat down onto the passenger seat next to him.

I was filled with a feeling of relief when Aleksi started driving and I could watch this place of sadness moving into distance. I knew I wouldn't have to go back there until I moved again which made me extremely happy.

With the prospect of spending more time with Aleksi the happiness I lost slowly started to come back to life in me. I also was really looking forward to work with Blind Channel and get to know the boys even more. I completly understood why Aleksi had always said the boys were like his family now. They really were a family which was so beautiful to see.

That was everything I had ever wished for Aleksi, I was so glad that he made it this far and now that we could walk this path together it made me even happier seeing him thrive like this.

After an approximately 15 minute long drive we arrived at Aleksi's place. I was surprised that he was able to cover the high rent one had to pay in this area at such a young age. He really worked hard and joining Blind Channel profitited him not only musically but also financially as it seemed.

"I have some bad news for you." Aleksi said as he locked up the front door that led to the hallway, while I somehow tried to manage to carry one suitcase and two large boxes at once which must have looked histerically funny from the outside. "Stairs." I sighed and put the two boxes down. Heaving that suitcase into the trunk was one thing, but carrying it up the stairs to Aleksi's apartment, that was another thing.

"You know what? Now I could need your help. You have definitely more muscles in your arms than I have." I quickly picked up the two boxes and blinked at Aleksi, from who I just heard an "Alright." as he proceeded to pick up the suitcase and carry it up the stairs.

"My god is that thing heavy, did you put bricks in there?" Aleksi grunted as he slowly walked up one stair after another until we finally reached the next floor where Aleksi could set the suitcase back on the ground again.

He was breathing heavily. "No bricks, only clothes." I whistled and waited for the black haired boy to open the door to his apartment. Aleksi pulled a key out of his pocket, inserted it into the lock and turned it around.

"Welcome to my crib." He joked and opened the door. When I stepped inside I couldn't even close my mouth, so astonished was I at how modern his apartment was. Aleksi lived in a spacious, bright lit apartment. Everything in his apartment was clean and minimalistic and not at all how I expected him to live but still very impressive and beautiful.

"So as you can see right here we have the kitchen, the dining room and the living room melted together in like one big room." He explained and walked further into the room to show me around.

"So here on the left side we have two doors that lead to the bathrooms and on the right side we have my bedroom, the homestudio and then the room that will be your bedroom." He opened the last door on the right side and when I looked inside it felt almost like visiting a personal museum. The room was almost exactly furnished like Aleksi's room in Amsterdam. Same bed, same desk, same cupboards, same closet, even the posters on the wall were the same.

"Wow I feel like I'm in Amsterdam again." I said excited and put down my stuff for a second. "Make yourself at home. I'll give you some time to unpack. Gotta go run some errands. You need anything?" Aleksi asked as he leaned himself against the door frame and watched me open the suitcase he had carried so bravely. "No, I can't think of anything right now. Thank you Alex." I gave him a grateful smile while starting to unpack my stuff, spreading it all out on the floor, so I had a good overview of the things I had packed.

"Oh by the way the guys are coming by later to watch WWE. Wanna join?" He raised both of his eyebrows and gave me a questioning look.

On the one hand I really wanted to spend more time with the boys but then again I didn't know if watching WWE with them was for me. Besides I had a few things that I needed to catch up on urgently.

"I don't really think watching WWE is for me. Also I really need to do some paperwork that I have to send to the immigration authorities, yikes." I sighed and started to pick up clothes from the floor to fold them. "Alright, no problem. Maybe you can join when WWE is over." Aleksi said and shortly after that disappeared.

The next few hours I was occupied with putting away all my clothes and all the other important stuff but what took me the longest definitely was setting up the PC and all the equipment without any help.

I knew I could have asked Aleksi any time but I heard him and the boys growl and yell at the TV and didn't want to be the intruder that interrupted them so I solved all of my problems on my own until my nerves were completely on edge.

Then I tried to sit down and fill out my paperwork but I could just not concentrate with hearing the boys scream or say something every five seconds.

"You know what Naomi you did enough today. Just let it go, you can still do this tomorrow." I said to myself and pushed away the huge stack of papers on my desk. Now that I had nothing to do and the background noises were incomparable I figured I could just grab a drink from the kitchen and join them. After all these nerve wrecking hours it wouldn't be the worst idea and I was sure WWE would be over soon.

But before I went outside my room I changed my outfit. After hours of heaving suitcases and boxes, unpacking stuff and nerve wrecking paper work my shirt was sweaty and sticky and I did not want to leave the room like that.

I changed into a simple black skirt and a black low cut top, because although it wasn't that warm outside it sure felt like a hundred degrees inside this room.

Author's note:
Double upload today because I was really productive and wrote three chapters, yay. Bear with me, I know this chapter wasn't the most exciting one but I swear the next one is gonna be harrrrddd. Love you guys, thank you so much for the comments and feedback, really keeps me motivated to write more.🖤

Joel Hokka / Blind Channel - ENEMIES WITH BENEFITS (English)Where stories live. Discover now