2 - coincidences

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Joonas didn't in fact lie when he said the studio was just around the corner. The problem was that the rain was pouring down on us so heavily, that we both were totally soaked and cold when we arrived at the large building that had "finnvox" in capital letters painted on the outside.

"Wow it's huge in here." I was amazed by the high ceiling and the wide open rooms that presented themselves to me after Joonas had unlocked the door and invited me to step inside. This studio was a dream for every music producer.

"Well we're not using all of it. A few other artists are recording their music here too. Only the rooms directly ahead of us belong to us." He said and led the way. He unlocked another door and we now entered a gigantic room where all sorts of instruments had been set up in the back. From a set of drums, to basses, guitars and a drum machine, every single instrument one could imagine could be found there.

In the middle of the room were two large couches across from each other with a big table standing in the middle. Not far away from the table a fridge was placed in the corner of the room, to which Joonas walked up to and grabbed what seemed like two beers from it.

"A little refreshment." He skillfully opened the bottles with a lighter and handed one bottle over to me. "Thanks." I said and took a big sip from the cold liquid. I was still mesmerized by how gigantic this room was and this wasn't even the recording room. I figured the door on the left side would lead me exactly there but I didn't want to be rude and just wander around alone with out Joonas' permission so I dedicated my attention to a huge golden frame that was hanging on the wall behind where Joonas was standing.

"What is that fancy thing?" I pointed at the wall behind Joonas. "Oh this. A memory from when our first single went gold. Looks nice eh?" I squinted my eyes trying to read the letters on that thing. It was now that I realized how bad my vision actually was and that I should probably consider getting a glasses at some point if I didn't want to live with a blurry vision for the rest of my life.

After a few tries I luckily could read what was written on the golden plate, it said "2000 000 streams - March 2021 - Blind Channel."

For some reason that name felt oddly farmiliar to me. "Your band is called Blind Channel? Tell me why this name is so familiar to me." I mumbled and began to try to connect dots in my head. But I just couldn't figure out why the bands name seemed so familiar

"There you are. We already thought we lost you for good this time." A rough manly voice interrupted my thoughts. "And who's that chick you brought back here?" The tall man with blonde wavy hair downright spat out the words that left his lips and looked at me contemptuously.

Since I had the gift of the gab I was ready to fire something back right in the rude guys face but my attention was drawn to the boy with messy black hair and bright blue eyes that entered the room behind the rude one. There was only only one person I knew that had such piercing blue eyes, although the last time I saw him his hairs still had been blonde.

"Aleksi?" I put down the bottle and raised my eyebrows in disbelief while slowly walking up to the black haired boy. "Naomi?" He was just as confused as I was that we met again under those circumstances.

I started to run and fell into his arms. "Okay what did we miss?" Another one of the guys who etered the room asked while I was hugging Aleksi as tight as I could.

"Naomi what are you doing here in Finland, why didn't you say anything?" Aleksi muffled against my shoulder hugging me even tighter now. "What I am doing here? I am living in Oulu now. I'm sorry I didn't text you, it's just I knew you were really busy with making music." Of course now I knew why the name Blind Channel immediately rang a bell. When Aleksi and I still texted frequently he told me that he was planning on joining the band. I was almost ashamed that I couldn't figure out the connection before I found myself in a tight hug with the back haired guy.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on?" Joonas asked while Aleksi slowly released me out of his arms. We both had a big grin on our faces. I still couldn't belive that a number of coincedences had resulted in this situation and Aleksi's and my path crossed once again.

"That's Naomi. Remember I told you guys about her. We studied together in Amsterdam and shared a flat for almost two years." Amsterdam had been one of the best times of my life and because Aleksi played such a big part in that time the wave of emotions that hit me when we hugged again almost made me tear up.

"Naomi. Oh yes you told us a lot about her." I heard the guy with the blond long wavy hair scoff. I really didn't know why he was so unbearable but his little comments could not diminish the happiness I felt in this moment.

"Naomi. These are Niko, Tommi, Olli and Joel." Aleksi introduced me to the other band members and I let my eyes wander to each of them as Aleksi pointed at them. Now I could finally put a name to the rude guy with long blonde wavy hair.
"It's nice to finally meet you guys." I smiled and picked the bottle of beer back up again.

"Can we speed up this whole cheesy reunion a little? We have important stuff to do." I could just take only so many provocative comments of the blonde haired guy. Enough was enough. "God you're unbearable. How do you guys manage to endure that." I honestly felt sorry for them if Joel acted like that infront of them too. I couldn't figure out what seemed to bother him about me so much that he had to make such a scene, in my opinion I did nothing to upset him.

"We don't. We just learned to accept him and love him for who he is, right Joel? Come on we'll set up and leave the two to themselves." Niko tried to easen up the whole situation. However Joel and I threw quite angry looks at each other before he disappeared in the adjacented room along with the others, so Aleksi and I were now alone.

"Just ignore him Naomi." Aleksi remarked as he noticed our angry stares. He was right, I should not give the blond haired guy any more attention, he didn't deserve it.

"You definitely need to come over some time, since I joined the band I bought so much new equipment and built my own home studio. I am sure you would love it." Aleksi said and his eyes were lightening up more and more with every word he said. I could sense how excited he was and so was I.

"I'll glaldy stop by. Honestly I will take every opportunity I get to spend time outside my shitty apartment it's an absolute nightmare living there." The thought of having to return to this sad, dilapitated place after tonight already made me feel sick.

"Is it this bad?" Aleksi asked and threw a worried look in my direction. "Power failures every day, walls as thin as paper, no heating and don't get me started on my neighbours. This place is a living nightmare. I already looked for a new apartment probably a dozen times online but nothing came out of it." I sighed and desperately ran my fingers though my hair that was still wet from the rain.

"You know if it's really that bad you could stay at my place for a while. I have a spare room where I put in all my furniture I kept from when I was living in Amsterdam. My door is always open." It was so thoughful and nice of Aleksi to offer me to stay at his place for a while. I didn't expect that to happen it all.

The more I let the tought sink in, the more I wanted to agree with his idea. We had shared a flat before, for nearly two years so I had no fear of not getting along with him. Also I was completely comfortable around the black haired boy. "I guess I could stay at your place for a bit until I find a new apartment. Thank you Aleksi, really." I formed my lips to a big smile.

"Alex Mattson, in here now. We're recording!" I heard a voice yell from the other room. "Have you seen our setup yet? It's amazing. Come on I'll show you." Aleksi led the way into the recording room where the five guys were sticking their heads together looking at the PC screen.

Author's note:
That chapter turned out a little longer than I expected it took me quite a while, hope you enjoyed it.

I don't know if I will be able to update daily because I am working on two stories at the moment but I'll try to update at least every two to three days :).
Thank you so far for reading!

Joel Hokka / Blind Channel - ENEMIES WITH BENEFITS (English)Where stories live. Discover now