Twenty Six: These Nerves Can Suck My Dick

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"You left your computer on. That me?"

That me?

I wanted to punch him. I wanted to punch myself.

What does he even fucking mean with 'That me'? OF OURSE IT'S YOU JEON, DON'T YOU RECOGNIZE YOUR OWN FUCKING TATTOOS??!

As soon as the message had reached me I hadn't been able to concentrate on whatever lame bullshit my prof had been saying in the moment.

My anxiousness shot through the roof but all I could do in order to not make the situation worse was to just  clench my fists and stay calm (as calm as I could possibly be in the moment) - and maybe send Jungkook a little death threat.

"Hey, are you okay?" Taehyung, who was sat besides me, eyed me concerned.

How did he even find that picture? Did I- oh god, I left my fucking computer on, didn't I? Even so, he had no fucking deal to be in my room.

It wasn't just that I was embarrassed. Hell, not even his asshole move of invading my privacy was the worst (tho it did have it's role) - the thought that was currently reigning over my entire mind, was how Jungkook would probably never look at me the same again.

I... no matter how often we argued he was special, he was someone to me none other was to me, and I'm not even talking about the little middle-school type crush I  totally had on him, of all people.

The stuff I draw is, to put it simple, disgusting. We could go deeper into how my trauma most likely desensitized me to how far I'm willing to push my imagination in that sense, but this isn't the fucking point, because holy shit, I had been imagining a real person while drawing. A real person that ended up meaning so much to me, and now they're grossed out by who they found out I am.

"Y/N!" Taehyung shook my shoulder more urgently, snapping me out of my frantic thoughts, "What happened? You're shaking."

I forced my eyes to focus on him, shrugging as nonchalant as possible, "Nothing, don't worry. My roommate just did something stupid."

"Jeon Jungkook, right?" Taehyung pressed.

I smiled, "M-hm, don't worry, I can take care of it."

I missed the fucking keyhole twice before I was able to unlock the front door, heart pounding in my ears as if I was expecting to get shot the moment I entered the house.

It was ridiculous how carefully I placed my bag and keys down in the corridor, like I could actually hide from confronting Jungkook. But I couldn't and didn't want to hide from him forever.

He was sat in the living room, one leg thrown over the other lazily while the TV was running in the background.

"Oh, hey Bambi." He grinned at me with that stupid fucking grin and it felt like ten thousand volts just ran through my body.

Hey Bambi?!

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I marched forward to stand in front of him, seeing his eyes slowly widen.

Arguing. I could do that. Let's pretend as if I wasn't scared about that he thought about me. Let's pretend that I was just really angry at him. That was easy.

"You sent me that stupid picture without any explanation and then you act as if nothing happened?"

"Look, I didn't think I'd need to explain-"

"Shut up, what the fuck do you think I understand from 'You left your computer on. That me?'?"

"Well, exactly what it said-"

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