Twenty One: Brash And Honest Just For You, Baby

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Jeon Shiro was a patient woman. Wether it had been in her private life or her job, she's proven to be nothing but deeply, unshakably patient.

Even as her son, her own blood and flesh, started to get out of pocket by drinking, sleeping around and befriending these people that were definitely influencing him badly, she had progressed calmly and with patience, to make sure to break down every single ladder he had built to get over her walls made of years of careful shaping and educating.

She had done a good job with her son, had guided him as he needed and had granted him exactly the right amount of strictness. Only through her guidance had he been able to achieve what he did, to eventually get where her parents failed to bring herself.

All of this, she wouldn't have been able to do without the patience of a saint - but tonight, she felt, would even her well-renowned fortitude get pushed to it's limits.

"Pass me the salt, dickhead." The damned tomboy in front of her grinned provocatively at Shiro's son, a flair of competition in her voice as it always seemed to be - as if she was constantly trying to prove something. But what? All she did was being loud and brash and inappropriate, and Shiro was afraid the poor girl was doing it on purpose.

Her son's roommate had walked in with a pair of heavy, black combat boots, an oversized black t-shirt with the print of a masked, white haired cartoon man on it, and a way-too-short red and black plaid skirt. Together with her tired eyes and smudged eyeliner she looked like a girl from one of these Japanese cartoons her son had watched occasionally when he was younger.

Which was fitting, as Shiro had to learn, since the girl was an artist, of all things.

The word tasted bitter on her tongue and she had to grimace when she thought of it.

Young people with aspirations of becoming artists where lazy and untalented, using art as a ridiculous way to cover up their incompetence with meaningless strokes on white paper. A waste of money, that's what she had taught her son, to make sure he wouldn't get any funny ideas.

Don't understand her wrong, Shiro appreciated good art, classical art, but... whatever this girl saw as "art" definitely did not add up with Shiro's image of the craft. And because Shiro had always been convinced that her opinion was law, Y/N was nothing but a waste of space in her eyes.

Sadly did her son seem awfully fond of said waste of space. And that was what was making her patience run thin for good.

"I said pass me the salt." She made grabby hands towards Jungkook, who answered with a curt "sure" and passed her said item, not even looking in her direction.

Shiro was aware of how domestic this whole gesture had been, yet neither of them seemed to think much of it.


Something about this simple response had rubbed her decidedly wrong.

"So, you do art, sweetie?" She asked in her usual sweet voice, putting down her chopsticks in favor of smiling sugary at the younger.

Said girl looked at her unimpressed, tired eyes low-lidded and... bored? Vexed? It was hard to tell.

"Yeah." She retorted, clearly not fooled by Shiro's honey act.

Generally, did the girl not seem to play her usual game of false pleasantries. She seemed to be the rather straight-forward type.

So, Shiro dropped the act and took the chopsticks back in her hand, "What are you doing at Uni then?"

"" She seemed confused about the quite obvious question.

"If you were talented you wouldn't need to." Shiro dead panned.

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