Nine: Spider Man The Delinquent

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Jee's little legs wiggled over the floor, swinging back and forth on the uncomfortable chair in the poorly air-conditioned police station his two new friends had brought him to.

His new favorite Hyung was holding his red ball in his arms, left leg bouncing nervously on the only other chair in the room.

"You sure you don't wanna sit down?" Jungkook asked, directed at Noona who was leaning against the opposite wall.

"Fu-" She cleared her throat, "Uhm, no. I'm no grandma."

Jee liked Noona. She was very pretty and she wasn't scary like most other adults - she was even smaller than his mom and she wore this fuzzy cardigan that he had really liked to hold onto on their way here.

Hyung was a little bit scary, Jee had to admit. He was very tall and he had all these tattoos and stuff. But he took good care of Jee and was very nice to him - he even proposed to hold his toy for him!

"Whatever." Jungkook Hyung sounded a little annoyed. Jee would've loved to ask why.

"We were able to contact his mother." The nice, blonde police lady with the funny ponytail came back into the room, smiling down at the boy brightly, "She'll be there soon, don't worry."

Jee frowned, "I'm not worried!" His little head whipped around to Noona, "I'm not worried Noona! I'm no baby after all!"

She cocked one eyebrow, catching Jungkook's warning gaze (which remained unnoticed by Jee) before smiling warmly, "Of course not. You're the bravest." Oh, Jee really liked Noona.

"When I'm big, can I marry Noona?" Jee asked Jungkook, whose eyes widened far enough they looked ready to hatch.

"Uhm- you'll have to ask her that. Not me." Hyung looked very confused for some reason.

Jee nodded seriously, turning towards the girl, "Noona, when I'm big, will you marry me?"

The girl had her hand already pressed against her lips when she heard him the first time, now unable to stop herself from wheezing out loud, "You- pffffhahaha I'm sorry Jee, but-" Her laughter slowly eased down into smaller giggles, "-but I think this won't be possible."

Jee frowned, not understanding why she would say such a thing. Then realization hit him, "Ohhh! I see!" He beamed brightly, "Of course I can't marry you when Hyung already did that!"

Said Hyung choked next to him, shrinking away at the glare Y/N threw him.

"N-No Jee we aren't-"

"Shh" Jee put his small finger against the older's lips, dead serious, "It's okay Hyung. I won't tell anyone." 

"Uhm." Was his only, very intelligent, remark.


Yoona felt terrible.


"Jee! Baby! Oh my god."

The woman embraced the little boy in her arms, red eyes puffy from crying. She almost suffocated her kid, holding him as close as humanly possible, swearing herself to never let go of her son, ever again, "God, please, please, please be more careful when you play outside! There's the street and all the cars and- and-" She stammered, relief unloading on her, making her stop mid sentence.

"Don't worry ma'am." The police woman who had called her smiled, "Everything's fine now. Plus, he was taken good care of by these two-" She waved towards a couple standing next to Jee - a tired looking girl in a beige cardigan and a tall, dark haired boy with fully tattooed arms.

"Mom! Mom!" Jee interrupted her plans on thanking the two, "That's Jungkook Hyung! He's a super hero! And that's Noona! She's a princess!" He came a little closer to her ear and whispered, "They're married."

"You promised not to tell anyone- ow" Jungkook had complained pouting, promptly being interrupted by the girl nudging her elbow into his ribs harshly.

"For the record, we are not married." She said firmly, before locking eyes with the woman, who was still hugging her child close, "Whatsoever, we're glad we could be of help."

"-Don't act like it was your idea- OW-" Jungkook got another jab in the ribs.

The woman smiled, a little confused but still happy, "Thank you so much! I don't know what I would've done if- if-"

"Don't think about it." Jungkook said warmly, "Just look out for your son a little better from now on."

"I will!" The woman chimed immediately.

"Well, if we're done here." The girl mused, "Jungkook still has window cleaner to buy."


"Language, Jungkookie."


So much social interaction exhausted me, after all. Especially the whole police-station thingy awakened bad memories in me.

So, right after we made it back home, I had locked myself away (well, not exactly locked because I still didn't get any locks for my room) and started working on my new manga updated, the mere image of Jungkook lifting me up to get that god forsaken ball enough to feed into my creative process for, like, a month. 

Which is a total objective statement, of course.

It was a little weird how therapeutic drawing a guy getting his butt eaten was for me, but I guess I somehow conditioned myself into connecting drawing with an immediate state of peace - what-fucking-ever it was that I was drawing.

However, as I was drawing I forgot that I didn't live in peace anymore, not since this absolute dumbfuck moved in with me.


"OH MY GOD COULD YOU PLEASE K N O C K!" I had locked my computer in fucking god speed, shock running through me like electricity, "HOW OFTEN DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU, FUCKWIPE?"

Jungkook just looked at me unimpressed, before speaking up again, "Yeah, whatever. Yoona called me."


He sighed, "Jee's mother."



"Ah, yes. Jee." I nodded, "The guy who couldn't decide wether you're a delinquent or Spider Man."

He glared at me.

I shrugged, "What?"

Exasperated, he exhaled deeply, "So, what I was trying to say is: Yoona asked me wether we could babysit Jee."

"She- what?" I did NOT have the brain capacity to understand this.

"Apparently he didn't stop asking about us and she was searching for a babysitter anyways, so she wondered wether we'd be okay with it."

"That's a little...." I frowned, "We just got her  her son back and she thanks us by handing us that brat?"

"She'd pay us."

"Dunno, I don't really need the extra money right now..." I said smugly, leaning back in my seat.

Jungkook's eyes flicked over to my locked computer screen, curious look not going unnoticed by me, before he glared at me again, "Well I do."

"So? Go and take care of him. Do whatever you want." I spun around in my chair, ready to go back to work.

 If only I hadn't turned around, I would've seen the devious look on his face.

"Oh, believe me I will."


y'all even know jee?


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