Eighteen: It's Raining Misery, Hallelujah

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It was pouring buckets and my life was falling apart slowly, as Mom and Jungkook had apparently decided to become best friends all of a sudden.

Neither of them have ever been that nice to me.

"And look," Jungkook scrolled through his phone, mom's umbrella protecting it from the rain while he showed her even more photos, both of them having disgustingly delighted smiles on their faces (both for different reasons), "-here she's babysitting Jee. He regularly comes over to spent time with us."

"Oh, I would've never thought that my little gremlin child would like to take care of kids!" Mom exclaimed happily.

"I DON'T!" I shouted at them, pissed that she'd rather protect Jungkook's phone than her own daughter.

"Here she's reading him a book." Jungkook went on nonchalantly, "Look, she even let's him sit on her lap."


I got ignored again. God fucking dammit.

I can't believe these two were really bonding over photos Jungkook, this creep, had taken of me in secret, as if I was a newborn whose pics are being passed around.

"We're here!" I hoped to grab their attention, when we reached the large gym hall were my cousin would have her performance, but of course they didn't react, too immersed in a picture of me and Jee watching TV together.

Besides changing the topic for my traitorous mother and roommate was I really happy to get somewhere warm and dry. Out here it was pissing it down, water soaking through my jacket and making me feel all gross and uncomfortable - not to mention my wet socks, god I hate wet socks.

There were occasional grumbles of distant thunder, sounding threatening the closer they approached and the grey clouds covering the sky had me wishing to be bundled up in a blanket and watch the thunderstorm from the safety of my apartment, rather than walking out here in he cold, were raindrops were piercing though my clothes and freezing my fingers.

I stopped in front of the entrance of the gym hall, briefly considering waiting for the two menaces trailing behind, before I realized that my personal comfort was by far more important that politeness.

Hot air fanned into my face as soon as I pushed the doors open, immediately wiggling out of my soaking wet jacket to hang it up to dry.

Mom and Jungkook were just entering the building as well, as I assessed my surroundings, my usual anxiety in unknown places setting in. Mom had been right though - there weren't quite as many people as I originally imagined, maybe around forty, which would thin out in the huge hall.

But right now they were all gathered around a group of six girls styled in an overwhelming amount of glittery tops and makeup, short school-girl skirts and white trainers adding to their trainee look.

"Let's greet Miyeon, should we?" Mom proposed, reaching out a hand for me, who eyed the small crowd of strangers skeptically.

Jungkook's eyes jumped between me and the group of girls, before he tapped on my shoulder lightly, "How about we go find our seats already? And your mom can go ahead and greet your cousin?"

I nodded thankfully, shoulders slumping down in relief, while I followed Jungkook up the rows of seats, until we reached the very top of the auditorium.

"Really?" Jungkook looked at me blankly, "All the way up?"

I shrugged, "Your eye sight can't be that bad, Jeon."

"That's not what I meant--"

"Shut up, they're starting."

Mom ended up not following us up here, throwing me a slightly vexed glare while she sat down in one of the lowest rows, arms crossed while she watched Miyeon dance her ass off for the minuscule audience in front of her.

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