Eight: Playing Hero Now, Are We?

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Not gonna lie, watching Jungkook make a smoothie in the morning - shirtless and with an awfully soft bedhead - was one of those scenes my brain stored away for later (Drawing. I'm talking about drawing. Not masturbating) and I kinda stopped getting embarrassed over it.

Why you ask? Well.

Nek0_Chan: hnghgjf i want to lick his tattoos😩

s3npai.pls: rail me sir💦💦

ya0i-addict: my ancestors watching me simp for yet another fictional man: 👁👄👁

b0yt0y: god the things I'd let this man do to me🤰

fuj0shi: oh fuck oh shit

Wether the reason is because I finally found real life inspiration or because Jungkook's sex appeal reaches even into the fictional realm, I don't know - all I'm saying is that none of my works have ever gotten this much attention before. The engagement on each of my updates have skyrocketed like crazy and I felt like in heaven.

"What are you smiling at?" Jungkook asked, making me look up from my phone where I'd been scrolling through my comments concentrated.

"Uh?" I locked it quickly, throwing it behind me onto the sofa, "None of your business."

He rolled his eyes, "I was trying to be nice and act interested in your life for once-" He shoved a filled glass into my direction, making some of the smoothie splash over.

"Naw." I puffed disappointed, "Now you have to clean the kitchen, Jungkookie."

He frowned, "What?! It's just one little drop!"

"Serves you right for being so careless." I shrugged spinning around on my chair to hide my grin.

"It's your turn tho!"

"Did I make a mess of the counter?"

"Wha- stop exaggerating like that! It's only one puny drop!"

"Tsk tsk, sounds like you're making up excuses."

"Me? I am making up excuses?" Jungkook pressed both hands against the counter, leaning forward with a death glare.

I shrugged again, before grabbing my glass and rising from my seat, "Yup. I'll leave the rest to you know. Bye-bye!"

I think I heard him complain behind me but I couldn't hear him over all my audacity.


"No- Jungkook- stop- FUCK YOU LET GO!!"

He ignored her complaints while he dragged her out of the house by the back of her shirt, gloomy expression enough to make every person near them back away a few meters, "Shut it, shitbag."

"JUNGKOOK I SWEAR TO GOD!" She fought against the iron grip around her shirt, pulling on the cloth until it threatened to tear.

"Stop it or it'll rip." Jungkook grumbled, jerking his wrist forward, making her stumble in his direction.

"I don't wanna go with you! Why should I go with you? Dumbfuck!"

"You made me clean the kitchen all by myself-" Jungkook strode down the street, grip around her never loosening, "-now you'll fucking help me buy new cleaning products."

Eventually she gave up and stopped fighting him, opting to just huff and cross her arms like a sulky child while letting him drag her behind him, "You're a pain."

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