Twenty Eight: Bravery Shall Be Rewarded

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Jungkook was frustrated.

For two reasons: Firstly, Jungkook couldn't bring it over himself to confess like he had planned to. Really, once he had sent that stupid fucking message he had promised himself that he would take the chance and come clear. Awful timing considering that she'd be mad as hell, but it was either now or never.

The second reason was, that his stupid-as-shit roommate just didn't get the message. God, what did he have to do to make her understand that he was but a hopeless fool in love with her.

Confess, idiot. A very reasonable voice inside his head provided.

Well, the fact that she was sitting on his lap, without any complaints, letting her hug him and touch her as if he was suicidal was actually kinda making him feel confident.

"Y'know, I felt like a creep all along." She rambled on, referring to her ridiculous need for consent to put him in her work, "Now I don't wanna be extra disrespectful by just proceeding with my work, without making sure you're okay, you know?" Why was she saying you know so much?, "Like, fuck, Kook, I don't wanna be an asshole - not really at least, you know that, right?" Of course he did.

He pressed one hand against her mouth, making her glare at him, "Look, Bambi, you can draw me how-fucking-ever you want. I like you, okay? Hell, you can do with me whatever you want, it doesn't matter to me. Please relax, for fuck's sake."

Just like that, he said it. Wow, that was easier than he thought.

She stiffened, eyes widening. At least she didn't laugh at him. Not that he would've complained too much.

She removed his hand from her mouth, glaring down at him once again. "What the fuck, Jeon? You can't just say that right after seeing the fucking gay porn I made."

He laughed relieved. Her anger was alright. He could deal with her defense mechanisms. He understood them. This wasn't a rejection. "I can and I did." His free hand came up to stroke her hair out of her face, cheeky smile on his lips, "I like you, Bambi."

"You're cheesy." She huffed.

"So?" He cocked a brow challengingly.

"I guess you can, like, take me out on a date or whatever."

He beamed, "Without Jee?"

"Yeah, without Jee." She rolled her eyes, before she got squeezed into yet another hug with a yelp.

She felt soft and fuzzy in his arms. Like the giant plushie he had won at a fair as a child once (his mom had thrown it away right after :c).

She was soso close to him, it would've been easy to kiss her. It would've been easy, now that he knew that she was open to try... well, something with him. Whatever she wanted, honestly.

"You sure you don't wanna act out one of your scenes-?"


He yelped when she hit his shoulder, unable so suppress his laughter.

It was weird how casual the exchange seemed. Like he hadn't just confessed. He liked how casual she was with it. It just showed how comfortable she felt with him.

He was proud of that achievement, in all honesty. Knowing that she felt comfortable around him at all times was so much more important than her reciprocating his feelings.

He tapped one finger underneath her chin, other hand gently stroking over her right arm - he sure was being brave today.

"So, a date?"

Unknown Heroes ◆ JeonJungkook✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن