Intro: Keep That Assbutt Away From Me

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Have you ever despised someone so much, you wanted to drop all your moral standards and just... commit a fucking crime?

Because, well, I certainly did.

An infuriating mother fucker who likes to order people around like he has any right to do so, cocky as fuck with no fucking respect at all.

Jeon Fucking Jungkook, that's who I'm talking about.

We've never gotten along but the real problem started a little more than a month ago, when Hoseok just fucking crashed my life with his brilliant idea.

"I, uhm," He had started, already sounding very smart, "My friend got kicked out of the dorms?"

"Fucking idiot." I deadpanned, not bothering to look up from my computer screen, "How does one pull that off?"

"Uh, well.... he's kinda- vulgar?" He said vaguely, "Whatever, I wanted to come up with a solution since it's partly my fault-"

"-oh my god, what did you do?"

"-and I had the idea that he could life with you!"

I had dropped my stylus, attention finally on Hoseok after dropping the dumbest fucking idea I've ever heard, "No, Hoseok. Have you met your friends? They're also so..." I waved vaguely, face scrunching up at the memory of the obnoxious pack of frat boys.

"Yeah, I know, that's kind of a problem..." Hoseok had admitted, "But, like, I already promised him that you'd agree."

"You what?" I closed my eyes sighing, hands coming up to rub my temples, "Hoseok, I love you, but don't do stuff like  that, okay? If he's so desperate I'll let him live here I guess, but don't make promises you don't know you can keep."

Jung Hoseok's face had lit up like the brightest summer day, arms suffocating me immediately in a tight hug, "Thank you! Thank you so much, he'll even pay you, he said that already!"

I nodded, "That- That's good, I could use some extra money...." I puffed out, averting my attention back to my computer screen and the graphic tablet, "So, who is the gentleman I'll take under my wing from now on?"

"About that..." Hoseok had squirmed in his seat, obnoxious neon green shirt bunching where he fisted the fabric, "It's, eh, Jeon Jungkook?"

Jeon fucking Jungkook?

The name alone made me startle so hard that I completely fucked up the line I was drawing, stylus dropping once more when I whirled around enraged, "He is 'kinda' vulgar you say???!!"

"Okay, maybe that was an understatement." My friend grinned sheepishly, "He has the vocabulary of a stray mutt-"

"There's NO WAY I'll let that fuckwipe in my house."

"But- But you already agreed-"

"That was before I knew that the personification of stepping-on-a-lego was the one you're talking about!"

"Please, Y/N..." He begged, playing unfair when he whipped out his puppy eyes, "We're desperate!"

"The fuck even happened that he- nevermind." I bit my cheek, looking away, "Let me think about it."

He knew he'd won me over with these words.

"Yes! Of course!" He tackled me in another aggressive hug, smooching my cheek wetly, "I."-mwah- "Love."-mwah- "You!" He shouted, underlining each word with a gross smooch.

"Ew, go away, I'm working." I tried to rid myself of this overwhelming affection.

"Yes! Sorry!"

He quickly retreated, knowing that I hated to get interrupted while drawing, happy squeals still audible from the corridor.

I'm too soft for this guy. Wayy to soft.

I should have never agreed to this, but here we are.

Jeon fucking Jungkook in the room next door, acting like he owns this place.


Welcome, you little nasties you. Hope you'll like it blah blah

Idk who tf asked this but Yaoi is a subgenre of bl mangas and is basically highly questionable gay smut

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