Twenty Five: Even Your Brain Has Sexy Brain Wrinkles

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"Aren't you cold?"

Jungkook eyed her plaid pajama shorts with judgement, acting worried and as if he wasn't just really distracted by that much thighs in the morning.

"You really asking this after turning the heater on full power?" She retorted stretching her (naked!!!) legs on the sofa with a yawn, not even bothering to cover her mouth, because she didn't know manners - but what else is new.

"Well, I was cold."


He frowned, just because he knew how much she liked it when her insults affected him. As if he didn't love their bickering.

"What are you up so early for anyways?"

"Right?" She groaned, wiping a drop of coffee off her cheek, "I totally forgot that I have early classes today."

"But you never have classes that early on Friday?"

She eyed him skeptically, "How d'you know so well about my schedule?"

"Uh." He didn't know how to answer that.

"I memorized by heart on what mornings I'll be able to spend time with you?" He could NOT say that. She would make fun of him.

"Don't you have to hurry then?" He changed the topic elegantly.

She let him, getting up with cracking joints. She really needed to move more. Maybe Jungkook could take her to his gym sometime. Or maybe not. He didn't know if it was such a good idea. No, no she'd probably hate it. Too many of testosterone (and sweat) dripping men.

"You sound like my mom." She complained, getting into the bathroom to get ready anyways.

He rolled his eyes, "I know what your mom sounds like and she is not that friendly."

"Fair point." He heard her retort from the other room.

It was a bit disappointing, that she had to leave early. But he shouldn't complain, he'd get to see her enough anyways. They lived together after all.

About that... he didn't have much time until the end of the semester aka the ultimatum Y/N had given him to live here until he had to move out and find something else.

Granted, this was way back when they genuinely did not get along and now there was a tiny ray of hope that maybe she'd want him around for longer (or, well, at least his rent) but he couldn't trust his feelings, because clearly they were biased.

"Am out!" She shouted monotonously, before he heard the front door close.

He would have to think positively - she would let him stay. She had to. They were... something like friends, right? She was mean, but not heartless, that he knew after all.

If Jungkook's judgement hadn't been clouded by panic, if he'd been a bit more rational in the moment, he would've quickly realized that Y/N had never once mentioned that he'd have to move out soon, and that she clearly saw him at least a friend. But Jungkook wasn't rational in the moment.

With a reluctant sigh, he got up from his seat at the kitchen counter, kicking one of Jee's toys (that had gotten a permanent place in their home by now) out of the way, before strolling into the corridor.

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