Fourteen: Trust No One, Not Even Your Own Genitals

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Jungkook had a problem. A very big problem, if he does say so himself. A regularly reoccurring problem that had been bothering him the past days nearly every morning, and he went from being highly confused to getting increasingly frustrated with it.

It started with dreams of faceless girls in oversized sweaters sitting on the kitchen counter, until his subconsciousness began to be a little more honest and started giving said girls the face of his very mean roommate. 

Waking up with a boner is nothing unusual, but waking up with said boner coming from dreams about his constantly grumpy asshole roommate was concerning.

Odd details aside, it was massively inconvenient. Upon waking up, it became general procedure for Jungkook to spend a good minute or so just glaring at his own dick in a mixture of fury and disappointment, as if to say, 'I trusted you. I fucking trusted you, and you do this.'

Once he was done with this little charade of dissociating from his genitals so he could comfortably place blame on something other than himself, he would then proceed to begrudgingly take himself in hand and focus on getting off as fast as humanly possible, because goddamnit, Jeon Jungkook had things to do — things that did not involve touching his dick.

So he got it over with. Closed his eyes to block out the light that bled in through the window; jerking off in the morning always felt like a fundamentally incorrect action, no matter how horny he was.

For the first time in his life, Jungkook found himself actually hoping that his particularly heavily course load for the semester would completely monopolize his attention, if only to keep his mind off the thought of dicking his fucking roommate.

Not that he was thinking about this kinda stuff in a state of awake. No, his pride would never let that happen. 

She's mean, he kept thinking to himself, probably pouting like a six year old, because he's that childish, apparently.

God I need to get laid, was another thing he kept thinking to himself as well.

He used to be a bit more out there in terms of casual sex, but ever since he'd fucked up hard and got kicked out of the dorms, his mother had made sure to keep her finger on his studies at all times and just overwhelmed him with so much work and - most importantly - guilt, that he hadn't had any time to find someone to fool around with. This old hag. 

And, really, he'd never thought this to be a problem. There are things far more important than his penis, that he knew. But lately he wasn't so sure anymore ("lately" being the timespan in which these dreams had started popping up) if his life in abstinence was maybe influencing him after all.

"It's your turn to take out the trash." Y/N startled him out of his morningly daydreaming, scratching her back while waddling past him in her old Looney Tunes Shirt, puffy eyes the proof of yet another sleepless night. God, what was it that he found attractive on her again?

"Sure." He grunted, forcing himself to get up and get ready.

He took said trash with him when leaving the house, placing it next to the rest in front of the street, before jogging down the foggy pavement. Fall was gradually making itself visible.

"Dude, you gotta introduce us to your roommate sometime." Woojin poked, large hand resting on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Hm?" Jungkook hummed passively, while paying the Starbucks cashier in front of him, though having understood the boy loud and clear.

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