Eleven: This Is Why I Don't Socialize

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Going to uni is still a little weird for me, for various reasons. After what happened in High School, I have trouble bonding with new people and stay as a result mostly by myself through out the day.

Kim Taehyung is one of the few people I managed to befriend. We aren't all that close, but he's, just like Hoseok, sociable enough to even get along with someone like me.

"God, the graphic design prof will forever be a pain in the ass." He grumbled while pushing the entry doors open for me with one arm, his weird little frog-shaped bag in the other. Today he had his sand blond hair held back with a purple satin band, giving the lucky students around us free view on his unfairly handsome face, that was covered in black coal stains after working with charcoal pencils.

"Mhmm," I agreed absentmindedly, staring down at my worn Converse while striding down the pathway outside.

"Like, he's not even the art teacher kinda annoying." Taehyung went on, "He's so... boring? Like he's an insurance salesman."

"Mhmm, yeah." I nodded, totally invested in his rambling.

"Well, I'm glad I won't see him for the rest of the week." He snorted and then looked at me expectantly.

It took me a second to realize that he wanted me to tell him wether I'd still have classes with him this week. "Oh, wait, I-" I hastily opened my bag to check my schedule, not wanting to lie to Taehyung even though I wasn't really listening to him, "Lemme see-"

I fished for my phone, pulling it out with my thumb and index finger as soon as I found it - just that it wasn't my phone.

"Oh, shit." I stared at the device in my hand.

Taehyung leaned over to look at my probably deeply panicked expression, "What?"

"This- is not my phone."

He wheezed, "No? Then whose phone is it?"

"My roommate's." I answered curtly, sighing as soon as I realized that I had no clue where Jungkook was - and, like, I couldn't text him to ask either, because I didn't have my fucking phone. Fucking amazing, really.

I rubbed a hand through my face tiredly, looking at the fake blond next to me, "Do you know where Hobi is, Tae? I think he knows where my roommate is - he probably has my phone instead."

Taehyung giggled, "Hobi's probably getting donuts at the coffeeshop - and so will I now. How did  this even happen?"

I groaned, knowing exactly what happened, "We charge our phones on the same spot, that's why. He probably just grabbed the wrong one on the go."

"The same spot? D'you have these wireless chargers?"

I nodded, regretting ever having made this investment.

"Damn fancy." Tae whistled, "Let's just go to the coffee shop and look for Hoseok then."

"BAHAHAHA YOU IDIOT." Of course Hoseok would laugh at me.

"I'm telling you, he was the one who made the mistake!" I defended, "He left before me and when I left there was only one phone on the charger left!"

"M-hmm sure, and you didn't notice it till now." The idiot chirped, winking at Tae, "Whatever you say, honey."

I punched his shoulder, "Whatever, just tell me where he is."

Hobi grinned and jerked his chin towards one of the large windows, "Outside."

I turned around to where he'd looked at, horrified when I realized that my fucking roommate was surrounded by a group of men I didn't know.

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