Twenty: Never Knew Manta Rays Are That Big

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Jungkook wasn't quite sure where her sudden smiley-ness was coming from but he sure as fuck wasn't complaining. It was as if she'd just needed some time to grow into their current situation (being surrounded by hundreds of what she would probably refer to as 'devil spawns').

"What?" She laughed at his probably confused looking smile, turning her head away.

"Nothing." He mused grinning, "Just wondering what got you so happy."

She cleared her throat, trying to will down her smile into a calmer expression (key word: trying), "Nothing, nothing."

There was something about his usually grumpy, gloomy roommate being in such a light mood that he found to be just irresistibly cute. And not the kind of irresistible that had him jerking off every morning.

"Hey, Jee, buddy." Hoseok's voice drew their attention onto him. He was kneeling down with a bright smile, holding his hands out for Jee, "You wanna go to the otters now? I promise they're fu- darn adorable."

Jee nodded excitedly, letting his sunny Hyung drag him away from the other two, who were both throwing Hoseok glares, to latter's delight.

"He really thinks he can steal us our satan spawn, huh?" Y/N crossed her arms in front of her chest, eyes hefted onto Hoseok's back.

Jungkook laughed, "Jee's so flimsy." When in reality he just realized that he'd underestimated Hobi's potential of getting him to be alone with Y/N, if even just for a bit. They never saw each other outside of the safe walls of their apartment, rarely ever having met in uni - he wanted to get to know her more than just the day-to-day Y/N.

He wasn't really sure what this meant yet - his wish of getting to know her as closely as possible.

She'd long averted her eyes back to the waters on her left side, slowly strolling through the glass tunnel. Her face was illuminated by the lights breaking through the liquid, gentle blue shine tinting her features as her eyes roamed over the animals swimming over their heads.

One thing Jungkook had noticed about her was how observative she was and how concentrated she always seemed to take in her surroundings - something that just comes with being an artist, Jungkook guessed, unable to stop himself from just blandly staring at her smiling.

"Manta rays." She blurted out absentmindedly, "What Jee said about them, I mean. That was pretty cool."

"Yeah, true." Jungkook didn't tell her that he'd been the one giving Jee the words to utter his thoughts, "He was right tho."

"So you also think I'm just a big, flat fish?" She looked at him accusingly.

He snorted, "Were you... even listening to what he said."

She breathed out a laugh, waving it off, "I did, god, I was just joking. Idiot."

He gently bumped his shoulder against hers, cocking one brow, "You couldn't've just taken the compliment?"

She looked away embarrassed.

It was strange how such a little action could cause such a giant tumult inside Jungkook. Like sirens going off in his brain, flaring 'DO THAT AGAIN, MAKE HER DO THAT AGAIN'. He blinked them away though, just trying to concentrate on the here and now, as they were strolling through the aquarium.

He had no clue how and when, but Jungkook might have to admit to himself that he did end up falling for his roommate. His unsociable, angsty, gremlin roommate. Wow.

It started with mere physical attraction - Jungkook had understood where it was coming from. But it wasn't just that anymore and it was slowly dawning on him.

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