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Late at night, Larai left her hut for the outdoor latrine to relieve herself, when suddenly she halted in her tracks and looked back.

Her instincts made it known to her that someone was watching her from afar. But who could it be? She shook her head and continued walking towards the latrine. 

Emerging from the bathroom, she cautiously looked around again and headed back to the hut, when suddenly she heard a sound—a weird sound emitting from somewhere in the compound.

Her eyes scanned the area she thought she heard the sound coming from, but because the night was very dark and the moon was hidden, she could see little to nothing. "Zakari?" The name emerged from her lips, intuitively. Could it be him? Afraid, she hurried back into the hut and secured the room with the wooden lock.

In an attempt to soothe her racing heart, Larai placed a hand over her chest and inhaled, then exhaled. "No," she shook her head. "It's can't be him. I'm probably just paranoid."

"Ya Larai?" Azumi's voice was groggy and rubbed her eyes to wear off sleep from them. "Who are you talking to in the middle of the night?"

"It's no one. Go back to sleep." She waved a hand at her, dismissively.

Wordlessly, she turned to the wall and soon, fell back asleep.

Larai heaved a sigh—they weren't even married yet and she was that afraid of him. What would happen when the marriage eventually happens? She could not stop those thoughts from disturbing her peace. Several times, she had thought of going straight to Baaba and telling him exactly who Zakari was, but she knew better than to do that.

Her father trusted the beast blindly.

Everyone did. It seemed she was the only person who knew him for who he truly was. But sadly, the beast was about to become her husband in just a little period.

Larai lay on the unoccupied space of the mat and muttered some prayers underneath her breath before her soul was eventually taken away to dreamland.

The crow of cocks at dawn and the chirping sounds of birds awakened Larai. She groaned and stretched out her limbs. "Azumi! Azumi!!" She called; her eyes still closed. "Get up, Azumi. It's time for prayer."  

"Please, let me sleep for a little more." She beseeched, scratching her neck.

"You can't. You have to pray at the right time. Come on, get up, Azumi, before I pour cold water on you." She threatened and that seemed to do the trick.

Azumi sprung up, like someone possessed by an evil spirit and maneuvered out of the room.

Larai stretched some more, before standing up and following suit.

After they were done praying, as usual, they went to Baaba's room to greet him, then Nna's.

"Kube lazhin, Nna." (Good morning). They swatted and greeted her simultaneously.

"Kube lazhin, egi mizhi." (Good morning, my children) She responded with a bright smile. Seemingly, she was in an exuberant mood. "How was your nights?"

"Fine, Nna." Again, they responded in sync.

"That's good. Azumi, you can go ahead and start your chores. Larai, stay back, we're going to talk."

Azumi muttered an incoherent word, before leaving the hut.

"Larai, my daughter." Nna started. "Your wedding is in three days."

The reminder sent a pang directly to Larai's heart. Just when she thought she could use a minute, without having to think of the ugly reality.
"I'm so happy. Words would not be able to convey just how much. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah (Thank you, God. Thank you, God.) I'm alive to see this day. Now, I'm just waiting for Azumi to be married off as well, then I can finally be completely

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