Feeling Secluded

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Avni was the one to wake up first in the morning, due to the sunlight penetrating their room's windows

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Avni was the one to wake up first in the morning, due to the sunlight penetrating their room's windows. She blinked her eyes a few times to adjust to the light and sighed. She felt Neil's safe arms around her bare torso and turned to watch him sleep with a cute pout on his face.

She removed his arms from her gently and sat upright, covering her chest with the sheet, she groped her hand around to find her clothes and wore them, going into the washroom to take a shower, which was badly needed after a night like that.

Thankfully, there weren't many embarrassing marks on her body and she could go ahead and wear the soft and short peach coloured dungaree she had bought while shopping with Neil. He was still sleeping when she came out, much to her disapproval.

"Neil?" She called, shaking him gently. "Neil get up." She pleaded, but he barely stirred and hugged a pillow instead. "Neil, I've got plans for us today." Avni said, her face depicting nothing but consternation. "I want to sleep." Neil said, his voice muffled.

She tried for a few times more but when he didn't budge in, she grabbed her little bag, swung it over her shoulder sadly and went out alone, shutting the villa's main door behind her. She now realised that the bag was heavy because Neil wasn't there to carry it.


When the sunlight was too sharp to ignore it any further, Neil groaned in vexation and felt the pillow in his hands. At first he thought it was Avni but feeling the texture of the thing in his hands, he frowned. "Avni?" He called out, his hand running all over the space beside her to feel her but in vain.

Hastily, he sat up and looked around, Avni nowhere to be seen in the room. He wore his pants and went to the balcony, to see if she was there, then to the hall and gulped realising she wasn't in the villa; she had gone.

"Fuc/<." He swore and took a shower quickly, more scared to see the time when he came out. It was 12:30 in the noon meaning he was very, very late. "Where did she say she wanted to go today?" He muttered to himself, pressing his temples to recall the names of the places.

"Museum...and...?" He asked himself, rummaging through his stuff to find the notepad in which they had made their itinerary. "Avni..." He said in a complaining voice, to see that the page containing today's plans had been torn by her.

"Why am I so dumb?" Neil cursed himself for not calling her first, when he saw his phone lying on the coffee table. "Come on Av." He whispered impatiently, listening to the dialing tune, making a tch sound when she didn't pick up his call and the broadband lady answered instead.

"Okay, I know you're mad at me but just answer the call." Neil talked to himself, calling her again but disappointed when she didn't answer. Grabbing the keys, his wallet and other important stuff, he ran to the dining area and stuffed a few sandwiches in his mouth.

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