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Avni could feel the branches of the thick trees hitting at her body as she ran swiftly towards the lake in Epping Forest

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Avni could feel the branches of the thick trees hitting at her body as she ran swiftly towards the lake in Epping Forest. Her eyes stung with warm tears and cold air gushing through the cuts on her face made her numb but she couldn't think of anything else right now. 

She was told her father had died. This was perhaps a prank; he just couldn't be alive. Yes, it's just a joke. She heard another pair of fast paced footsteps behind her but she chose to ignore it. Finally, she reached the lake, heart jumping in her chest, she looked around to see a tall man standing in the dusk, with jet black hair, just like hers. 

Sensing the presence of another person, the man turned and a small satisfied smile painted itself on his face. Avni suddenly couldn't breathe properly, her knees wobbled and she was about to fall when two strong arms held her on time. She turned feebly to see that it was DD and hugged him immediately. 

"I knew you'd come superstar." Ashish spoke, his voice was sweet but it pierced Avni. "Don't call me that." Avni snapped, breaking the hug but Dd still held her firmly, determined to be her support. "I know you hate me Av-" Ashish began and walked towards her. "I loathe you!" Avni shrieked at him, sobbing audibly.

"I know I deserve it Avni. Trust me I've been trying to find you since so long." Ashish tried to hold her but she yanked him away. "I won't trust you again!" She yelled at him again, attempting to hit him now. Dd held her and tried hard to pull her away from him but Avni was being pathetic and had made up her mind to hit every inch of Ashish's body. 

He didn't even flinch or try to stop her as guilty tears were rolling down his cheek, seeing the absolute hatred his daughter had for him. Avni madly aimed a kick at whatever portion of her father's body was visible but this time she was stopped by 2 people, one who held her firmer than Dd and another who had a child-like shriek. 

Avni stopped, panting heavily and saw that Neil was rubbing her back and asking her to calm down while another child, roughly 13 years in age was standing in front of Ashish, his arms spread out in front of him as if protecting him from further harm. Avni stopped and looked at him, observing his features. Amidst the mild rise of the night, she could make out that he didn't have black hair like her or her father. He had messy light brown hair, big doe shaped eyes, again brown and a face identical to her biological mother. 

She stumbled to be only held by Neil who at once, like Dd, understood what happened. "Aman?" Avni whispered, forwarding her hand for him to hold. "Dad said you were good! I don't believe that seeing you're hitting him!" Aman said crossly, looking at him in anger. "Aman forget it." Ashish said in a commanding tone and lowered his hands. "You told him I am good?" Avni asked coldly. She felt Neil's arms loosening grip on her body after which he laced their fingers together.

"Because you are." Ashish replied calmly. Avni gave a high pitched cold laugh which made Neil's hair on the back of his neck stand up. "You told him a lie then. I'm not good, not even a bit. You know why? Because I intend to hunt down your beloved mother and kill her." Avni withdrew her hand from Neil's grip and curled her fingers into a fist, her body shaking with anger.

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