Strange Feelings

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Hey all! Just wanted to say in the last part, Shweta's punishment had intended to leave them longing for a child — cheers to all those who got it! >>>>>>>The last two months of the year were rolling in on Mumbai and the effects were immediate, esp...

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Hey all! Just wanted to say in the last part, Shweta's punishment had intended to leave them longing for a child — cheers to all those who got it!
The last two months of the year were rolling in on Mumbai and the effects were immediate, especially for one of the members of the Khanna Family. Avni, who had thought of Mumbai as a really hot place which was true if you came there after 16 years of stay in cold Epping, had caught a cold.

Despite repeated warnings from Shweta relating to wear atleast three fourth sleeved tops due to the dip in temperature by 6 degrees, Avni didn't listen and continued with her half sleeved formal wears when she went to her office.

And then, while she was with her 8 colleagues on a wide, barren patch of land, working there all day in the open to implement the designs they all had finally come up with, she caught cold.

It wasn't that bad but Avni felt she was on her deathbed because these type of illness did something to her mood every time. Initially, she missed having Neela Ma who would pamper her whenever she fell sick. But then, her family seemed to have made up for it.

Everyone, Bebe excluded, were running behind her with soups, steamers, handkerchiefs and medicines. It wasn't a bit annoying for her, but the dead feeling increased in her mind especially due to Neil's solicitousness.

Her cold lasted for a couple of days only but it was worth it because it meant 2 nights of Neil accompanying her to watch Peppa Pig and his warmth. It was great to have him hugging her tightly while she was sick( once shirtless) she was sure he worked on her more than medicines or steam.

During the span of these two months and ever since that pool incident, AvNeil had grown closer and still were, physically, everyday. They still hadn't, as Ali said, done the deed and weren't keen to either ("I am keen to, but you're not Avni!", said Neil).

But the most celebrating event that happened in these two days was Aryan coming to check in on her. Apparently, Neela Ma had told Neil that Avni loved something sweet while she was sick so he had gone to buy candies for her. On the way, he had met the Shah's and told them where and why he was going.

Aryan had heard it all too and he came along with Neil, in his arms to see Avni. Avni chuckled seeing Aryan stare at her red nose with his brilliant green eyes. He then put his tiny hand in his pocket and took out a toffee, thrusting it under Avni's nose.

She took it in delight and promised to kiss his cheek when she would be absolutely fine! Despite a few happy moments like these, the sense of resentment lurked around Avni, more stronger than before.

Forgetting about those indirect insults Bebe had thrown at her about her mother, Avni had taken up the task of winning her again. According to her, it was a sin to have refused to talk to her as Bebe was a part of the family too and they had vowed to keep it together.

But she was met with disappointments and that dampened her spirits greatly. She couldn't think what else would make her accept Avni. There were times when she was told off from Bebe's room by the occupant rudely. Avni sadly went to her room then, patting the toy monkey to uplift her mood.

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