A New Journey

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Neil got up at nearly the same time tomorrow morning

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Neil got up at nearly the same time tomorrow morning. He found everything nearly the same as previous day excluding the fact that Avni wasn't sleeping next to him or in his arms. In fact, he couldn't see her anywhere in the room.

Yawning, he decided to take a shower first and then look for her. A few minutes later, when he was putting the khaki shirt with medals on, Avni came in the room, carrying a cup of coffee and visibly cheerful.

"Morning hubby." Avni wished him and kissed him on his cheek. Neil smiled at her did the same, taking the cup from her. "You woke up early today?" Neil asked, taking in a sip. The coffee was made exactly how he liked it!

"Yes! Mom told me yesterday all about your routine so I decided to follow it too!" She exclaimed, glad to see that Neil was consuming the coffee with delight.

"I made tea for Bebe too." She informed, once Neil had finished getting ready. "She doesn't take sugar in it." Neil said, rolling his eyes, thinking about what would have happened. "I knew that. She just nodded at me. See, progress!" Avni hugged him to show her happiness.

"Now that you're up, come let's sit outside." Neil picked up Avni, making him say Neil in an exasperated voice. He took her to the balcony and put her down. Avni looked at it more clearly in the rising sun; it was wide and provided a picturesque view of the landscape beyond.

"Come." Neil's voice made her snap out of her eye reverie as she shifted her gaze to see that Neil was sitting on a beautiful swing. She took a seat beside him and snuggled into him, inhaling the peaceful sea scent.

"You smell like the sea Neil." Avni broke the comfortable silence after a few minutes. "I taste like one too. Salty. Wanna try?" Neil brought his face closer to hers so that his hot breath fanned her face as he said those words. "Someday later Mr. Khanna." Avni chuckled.

"Aren't you getting late?" She asked again, her big black doe shaped eyes staring at him. "I will actually go a bit late today. I've got to drop you somewhere." Neil replied, feeling relaxed by watching the scenery till the horizon and Avni in his arms.

"Where?" She frowned. "Your home. It's a ritual, I'll pick you on my way back in the evening." Neil informed, patting her cheek affectionately.

They sat in silence again but this time Neil broke it. "Avni I...just wanted to tell you why I decided to buy that apartment of mine...in detail." He drew a sharp breath and took Avni's stare as an approval of continuation.

"We were happy here you know. The 4 of us when I was a kid. Or at least I thought we were. But growing up I realised it was a sham. Bebe had been controlling us all that while. I didn't like to be controlled as I grew up but I was forced too much — she forced me to join the services. Dad and mom said nothing so naturally her interference grew stronger." Neil sighed, averting his eyes from her.

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