That Accidental Fall

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Cross Roads, is, 686 votes and 3

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Cross Roads, is, 686 votes and 3.53K views strong now{as of 14th January 2021, 16:00 IST} ! In just about a week and a half, it has got nearly 190 votes ! Thank you so much, to everyone who's reading it, voting on it, commenting, or secretly waiting for another update - You all mean a lot! The ratings are also going up slowly! The book has got   a new cover by the way-do tell me if you like it!


Neil walked slowly back to his tent, his spirits dampened as well as risen. Atleast he knew she was right there, somewhere between those trees but she ran away. He couldn't help but think that she ran away sensing that someone,him, was coming towards her.

The return journey was longer than usual and he found DD inside the tent when he reached the spot. The lights inside Ali's tent was off; both of them had probably slept.

"What took you so long?" Dd questioned him, getting up as soon as Neil came inside. Neil forwarded the paper to Dd for him to have a look and brushed off the flakes off his overcoat. He took off his gloves and went to his sleeping place. His hands were so cold, he shivered when he touched his face to feel some lines,from the branches.

"She's here!" Dd clapped his hand to his mouth and read the note over and over again. "Yeah." Neil replied, getting inside the covers to make himself warm.

Dd crawled over to his side; looking very interested. "Where? How did you-?"

"I was near the lake, saw her sitting, but by the time I reached, she was gone." Neil replied, staring at his topsheet. Did she know that it was him running towards her and that is why she ran? The thought made him sad; he never wanted her to be scared of him.

"Let's get a sleep shall we?" Dd changed the topic and whistled to bring Neil's attention towards him. "Yeah...good night." Neil cleared his throat and turned off the flashlight.

Initially he was unable to sleep, he kept thinking about her and only her. Would she run away just like that if he came face to face with her? What would she be thinking about him? Cruel, insensitive, harsh, rude and what not.

He listened to Dd's snores and eventually drifted to sleep.

The next morning, Neil was woken up by a not so gentle nudge. He growled in his sleep, clutching his skin near his ribs and woke up, eyes unable to focus on the face.

"WhatchuDidThatFor?" Neil asked, groaning but stopped seeing who did it.

"Ali?" Neil forgot his pain and looked at him. Ali was excited and worried. "Dd said you saw her yesterday. Avni. Come on let's find her!" He seemed to have forgotten his anger on Neil and was genuinely talking to him this time.

"Yeah sure. Let me just get fresh. Get out." Neil tried to keep a straight face. He was having trouble controlling his smile. Ali was finally making an attempt to talk to him and...well..he was trying to not give in. Not now atleast.

Ali gave Neil a disgusted look that probably meant something like I-wanna-meet-Avni-and-you-care-about-getting-freshed-up.

"What? I don't want her to see me as someone ugly and smelly like yourself." Neil shrugged, taking out his packet of wet tissues.

"Will you watch me clean myself now?" Neil rested his hands on his hips and stared at him.

Ali opened his mouth in disbelief, shook his head and stormed outside the tent. Neil grinned to himself and zipped the tent, finishing his work.

"I swear you are an absolute girl." Ali commented once Neil came out, finally. "Why so?" Neil asked grinning, setting his hair flat.

"You actually used wet tissues with a sea fragrance? And a sea cologne? It's like taking a walk with Tisca." Ali groaned loudly, eyeing him enviously, or rather his smooth hair.

"Avni likes it when I wear it. What is it to you?" Neil crossed his arms, eyebrow raised. "Ughh. Anyways, Dd and Tisca went the other way, for her. We'll go towards the lake, in case her tent is nearby. It will be easier to search in broad daylight." Ali spoke, looking eager again.

So they walked, and it looked less difficult now that they were finally talking again. "You know Ali, you're an asshole." Neil commented, stepping on branch with a crunchy sound.

Neil continued to walk, but didn't hear footsteps besides him. He paused and looked behind to see where Ali was. As soon as he turned, his vision became white and his face was freezing! He put his gloved hands to his face, brushing away the cold snow. He knew what happened; Ali threw a snowball at his face.

"Dare you call me that again, balloon head!" He spoke, ten feet away from Neil. Neil was enraged, he knew by calling him a balloon head, he meant his hair. And Neil did not like anyone insulting his hair.

"Says a noodle head!" Neil shrieked, seizing some snow from the ground and threw it at his face as well. "NOODLE HEAD?! HOW DARE YOU?!" Ali yelled again and started to throw snowballs at him, swiftly. Neil was soon unable to combat him, his hands were freezing already and Ali was way quicker. So Neil did the best; he started to run, looking backwards again and again to dodge the snow.

Ali had started running too with his snowballs and was hitting him simultaneously. Neil tripped over a branch and found himself kissing a sheet of paper. He groaned and looked where he had landed. It was a tent, perhaps someone had left it open and Neil fell into it.

He got up quickly. "Sorry I didn't mean to-" he started but paused. Looking around the tent, he found several papers on the floor, scattered. His eyes then fell upon a girl, who was sleeping, keeping her head on a book. She didn't seem to notice someone had entered.

Neil took a step closer and gasped. Ali had entered inside as well and even he gasped. "Avni!" He exclaimed loudly, causing Neil's ears to hurt.


A loud exclamation reached my ears, breaking my deep slumber. Someone had called me by my real name. I opened my eyes and realized I was sleeping on a book. I hastily rubbed my eyes and looked where the voice came from. All I could see was curly brown hair.

"Aise koi jaata hai kya buddhu?" A manly voice came and I immediately realized the speaker. Ali. "'re here?" I whispered, hugging him back, not believing any of this. But he was for real, her best friend.

"I was so scared for you." Ali whispered back, hugging me tighter. My ribs hurt. "You'll choke me." I managed to say, smiling sadly. He was always there for me.

Ali broke apart, and I could finally see beyond him. There, a few centimetres  behind Ali was him.

Neil was looking at me happily, a silent tear rolling down his cheek. I could feel warm salts on my face as well. Had he come here for me? Why would he though?

I just wanted to hug him, hug him tighter than Ali but decided otherwise. He had asked me to not show my face to him again,so I simply won't.


"Avni I-" Neil began but was intervened.
"Are you here to arrest me?" She asked in a serious tone, the reality of what he was here to do dawning upon her.
He looked at her and shook his head softly.

"I was about to leave today don't have to see me again." She spoke those words without meaning them. Getting up, she started to stuff her books in her bag.  By the look of her, she didn't know why she was doing this, but looked adamant to go away from him.

She shoved every paper with a greater force. Not able to see her like this, scared from him, Neil went and wrapped his arms around her torso from back.

"I'm sorry Avni...please.." He spoke softly, this was the best he could speak for now.

"I need to leave." Neil heard her say with a trembling voice.

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