You're mine & I'm yours

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Warning : The chapter is long (3700 words)

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Warning : The chapter is long (3700 words)


AvNeil passed the rest of that day and the night together because Neil had again been shifted to day shifts, beginning from the next day. They tried to chart out certain rules which they'll abide by as husband and wife. This, Neil had decided, was to be done so that everything passes smoothly for them. 

"I'll try to be a good wife." Avni wrote, in her slanting handwriting. "And me a good husband." Neil proceeded to write but Avni stopped him. "You don't even have to try, you already are." Avni pointed out and smiled feebly at him. Neil held her hand gently and stared right into her eyes. "And you're scared you won't be good?" Neil voiced Avni's thoughts and pursed his lips when she nodded. 

"Avni I know everything is going to be different and it's okay if we're not perfect. We're just going to be together and that's what matters. We're vowing to spend a lifetime together and I think it's enough to make ourselves good for each other, and our families, as husband and wife." Neil spoke gently, still smiling. "Why are you like this?" Avni said after a while, and Neil thought there was a tint of complaint in her eyes as she said it. 

Thinking he must have got that part wrong, he asked "Like what?" "You keep setting the bar higher with words like these. Where will people like me go?" Avni fussed and Neil bit his lower lip to stop himself from laughing, seeing that she was actually envious of his behaviour. 

"Next rule, we'll never bring our work life at home." Neil wrote in his neat, straight handwriting and on they went, adding more rules whenever they popped up in their minds, Avni rejecting a few of Neil's ("We are not telling Ali when we do the deed, Neil !"), making simple meals for each other and sleeping through the night in each other's arms. 

Neil dropped Avni to her apartment and went to the police station, the next morning. She ran inside, screaming in delight "Mom where's my gown?". Aman came out from his room, his brown dishevelled, an irritated look on his face, his hands coloured in blue ink and some glitter on his clothes. "Don't you look...sparkling?" Avni tried to suppress her laughter but seeing Aman's stern look, she bowed to his level and brushed off the mess off him. 

"Holidays are over and I still didn't hand in my homework." Aman looked like he was about to cry. "Hey! It's just homework. D...did your teacher scold you?" Avni asked, looking at his brother with concern. Aman nodded and burst into tears. Avni guessed he was that innocent student in the class, heavily disheartened if he got a scolding. She hugged him tightly, shushing him lightly. 

"You want me to help you?" Avni offered, wiping his cheeks. It was difficult to look at Aman for long without feeling as if she was looking at Ayesha Ma so she lowered her eyes. "You have to prep for your engagement too." Aman hiccoughed and muttered something about her dress being in her cupboard. "You want me to beat your teacher?" Avni asked and succeeded in making him smile a bit. 

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