Chapter 26

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We made it back to the castle in one piece. "Well, I wasn't expecting that" Sirius exclaimed as we collapsed into the chairs. We were exhausted from running back home. "We need to tell him we know" I said. They both gave me worried looks in case Remus would flip out that we followed him. "Don't look at me like that guys. What if one of you or even me, are stupid enough to accidentally let slip that we know something" "Touche" James replied.

"Tomorrow, we will pull him to the side and explain ourselves. We need to make sure that he knows it was because we were worried about him" They nodded their head in agreement. "And we also need to make sure he knows that we aren't scared of him" James scoffed. "Y/N, you were quaking in your shoes" I shot him a serious look, "James, in case you're forgetting. I've never even seen a unicorn in person so I am sorry if being about ten feet away from an actual werewolf didn't make me jump with joy". We all burst out laughing.

Our laughter must have woken up Peter because he came down the stairs "What are you all doing up? Where have you been?" I was quick to reply "Nowhere Peter, just sitting here talking. We can't sleep" as much as we love Peter because he is our friend, he can't be trusted to keep a secret. And there was no way he would have been able to handle this situation correctly.

He joined us for a while and we chatted with him so he wasn't left out. We made sure to leave out any details about Remus. He will find out soon enough, as well as Bella.


I've been thinking all day about the events of last night. I can't get the image of Remus out of my mind. I can't believe he has been keeping this to himself all this time. I mean I completely understand why he wouldn't want to tell us but we are his friends.

We finally found the time to bring it up, it was decided that I would be the one to explain ourselves. "Remus, can we talk to you for a second?" James asked and he agreed so we found a quiet place and the first thing that came to mind for me to say was "we know". Remus looked shocked but also like he knew what we meant. "What are you talking about?" Sirius scoffed, "don't play dumb, we saw you last night" that was pretty blunt of him so I had to quickly intervene. "Don't be mad that we followed you but I'm glad we did. Otherwise we wouldn't know that you're a werewolf!" His eyes widened, "keep it down Y/N!" I mouthed the word sorry and he put his hand out to say that it's alright.

"You're ashamed of me aren't you" he shook his head. "What? No! Of course not. We just wish that you told us however, we completely understand why you didn't want us to" I rubbed his arm to comfort him. I looked over at James and he was deep in thought.

"Wait, I have an idea. What if we do something so that he doesn't have to go through this alone?" "We're listening" we said. "It will take some planning, time and skill. But, what if we all become Animagi" I gasped with glee, this was a brilliant idea. "You mean like McGonagall?" He nodded his head. "Yes! James that is an amazing idea. Let's do it!" It was decided then, we will become animagi so Remus doesn't have to go through transitioning alone.

I left the boys to find Bella and they went to find Peter. I knocked on her dorm door. "Come in" she shouted from the other side. "Only me" I said smiling as I walked through the door. "Y/N, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I sat down on the bed next to her, giving her a hug before I speak.

"Okay so, there's something I've been dying to tell you since last night" I couldn't control my excitement. "Spit it out then my love" "Remus is a werewolf" I spat out. She gasped "He's a what?" "Yep, you heard me. And we are all going to become Animagus to be with him safely when he transitions. Including you!" She didn't look too pleased. "You do know that it can be pretty dangerous?" I hadn't really considered that.

"James and Sirius will work out how to do it and they're like the cleverest students in the school" "Fair point" she smiled. I spent the best part of an hour talking to Bella about last night and what animal's we would want to become. "What if we all have nicknames, for the animals we become. Nobody will understand them either. This is going to be brilliant, like a secret club!"

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