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Angel's pov;

I was walking alone in the forest when I spotted a dog-like-wolf. It then turned its gaze towards me, eyeing me. It's just a dog. But, I'm not sure if it's viscous or anything related.

From what I've heard, wild and stray wolves are total different from a usual dog. They're more aggressive. Maybe I should just go before it tries to attack me, and maybe kill me.

I took a few steps back, trying not to threaten it in any way. But then, it started taking steps towards me, slowly.

I didn't know whether to run or just stand there.

But suddenly, it stopped its movements, making me frown in confusion. A second later, it ran off and I flinch at its sudden movement. 

I sighed in relief, I guess, they're afraid of human beings as well? 

I then turned around, wanting to continue my walk, but the view in front of me made me realize what the wolf ran away from. Turns out that it wasn't even me. 

It was the other wolf behind me. Which was much bigger- much like huge. 

This must be a dream~ I never knew a wolf can be this huge. This wolf is as tall as me! 

My heart was beating so fast that my legs went limp. The next thing, I was on my knees on the grassy ground. I was trying to gather my courage to stand up, but I couldn't. 

The wolf then started to take steps forward, making me crawl back until my back had hit a tree trunk. That's when my mind went blank, and I guess my life will be over soon.

I closed my eyes as I can feel it staring at me.

It's already close to me, I can hear its breathing and the heat from its body was hot. 

I can tell how close we both were now. Literally.

But I was also confused when it still haven't done anything to me yet. After that, it left me in shock when its started licking my face repeatedly. 

I quickly opened my eyes, pushing the wolf's face away from mine as it looked at me in disbelief. It then sniffed my neck and licks my face again. I couldn't help but chuckle. 

I also noticed that the wolf's eyes were showing off a soft emotion, it had no intention of hurting me at all. Its face looks so pitiful, it made my heart melt.

I slowly moved my hand to his face, carefully putting it on its face as I rubbed its fur. I smiled widely when I heard it whine. 

"What gender are you?" I asked as I looked at him.

It rolled over on its back, I took the advantage to look down at its area, immediately looking back up once I saw his (you know what).

He then dropped his body next to mine, resting his head on my lap. Maybe he wants me to crease his head so I did so. I'll do anything as long it doesn't eat me. 

But, it didn't take a while until my legs started to hurt since his size was ridiculously huge. 

"My leg.. I guess I won't be able to stand anymore after this," I said with sigh.

Surprisingly, he immediately removed his head as if it understood what I just said. I found it cute that it made me giggle.

"What a good boy," I said, creasing his head once more.

He whined louder as he melted in my touch. After his whining, he moved closer to me and pushed his head upwards against my neck. 

I knew it wanted me to stand, so I did. As I stood, he bit on the edge of my shirt and pulled it a few times. He then turned his body around, taking steps forward as his eyes were still on me.

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