~35~ I Just Want To Hear Your Voice

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Hello! Enjoy! Kinda long maybe?



(Back to George POV)

A few weeks have passed, it's now mid to late September with the fall causing trees to become barren and the weather becoming chilly. Clay and George's dynamic hasn't changed much. They still hang out every day, whether it's at school or after. However, they haven't gotten sexual since the lake. Neither one of them minded, really, they were both comfortable with each other.

The Davidson siblings haven't had any major run-ins with their father yet. An occasional scream and maybe hit was thrown at them over the few weeks but besides that, it was pretty mellow. Their mother had become a bit softer, nicer. She started cooking dinner for the nights that their father was out and actually trying to engage in her children's lives. Both Beth and George were suspicious of the caring nature but tried to let it grow on them, it was nice to sort of have a mother in their lives again.

Beth and Tommy had gotten together officially. Tommy had asked for George's permission, which he reluctantly gave. Beth was George's baby sister and Tommy was definitely a bit of trouble but George knew he was a good kid at heart and would never put Beth in any real danger. Besides, George probably wouldn't have been able to stop the two, teenage love and all.

George had become a bit closer with Lillian who had been home for these weeks. Both Drista and Clay were curious as to why their mother wasn't halfway across the world for work yet. Lillian always brushed off their questions, telling them she would tell them on Friday. Well, today was Friday.

"Hey, Lillian can you hand me those spices I set out over there?" Beth pointed over to the cluster of glass bottles filled with multicolored spices. Since Lillian was a horrible cook, Beth had volunteered to put together dinner instead of ordering out.

Lillian nodded and passed the spices to Beth who uncapped them and threw them into the pan. She had decided to make some sort of stir fry vegetables and chicken. Beth's cooking was good so whatever it was would, without a doubt, be great.

"George, do you know where my phone is?!" Clay called down the stairs. George was seated at the kitchen island, watching Beth cook in the Jameson kitchen. Surprisingly, she seemed to know where mostly everything was. Well, it wasn't that surprising. She did live there for a week, plus she and Drista hang out often.

"Check your bathroom counter!" George yelled. He heard footsteps fade before a distant 'thank you' was yelled. George picked up his phone and started scrolling through Twitter before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped at the touch then relaxed when he saw a familiar tall brunette, Clay's mom.

"Hey George, are you alright? You seem sort of out of it today." The older lady sat down in the chair beside George. The boy nodded and gave a small smile.

"I'm fine, just school stress." George reassured. He wasn't really lying. School was kicking his ass. George was determined to get some sort of scholarship so he could afford to go to college given that he's moving out in a little over a month. School was easy at the beginning but midterms were rolling around the corner and it seemed that every teacher he had decided to make the material extremely confusing. With the added stress of his and Beth's home situation really didn't help his mental help, however, Clay helped a ton.

Since Clay was pretty smart and had some of the same teachers as George he had offered to help with studying, which the brunette eagerly took.

"You can talk to me if you would like, I understand stress" Lillian clapped George's shoulder before standing up and walking into her study. George sighed and propped his elbow onto the counter, he placed his head in his hand and watched Beth swiftly walk around the kitchen, as if she was made to be there.

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