~9~ Packing

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Clay laid sprawled out on his neatly made bed, staring at the ceiling. His phone on his bed, unlocked, and upended up to messages between him and Nick.


Have you started packing yet? We leave tomorrow night man.

Read at 11:32am


Not yet but I will

I got time dw

Clay sighed and got up off his bed. God damn how could I forget I leave saturday? Clay walked over to his closet, grabbing an empty duffle bag, then setting it on his bed. The blonde's hands rubbed down his face in frustration and annoyance. How could I forget I leave for an entire summer TOMORROW?

Clay started grabbing clothes, shoes, and essentials. He was packing (stop I know what you're thinking). Clay was the star quarterback and if he wanted to keep it that way he had to go to football camp. His entire team was going, that's where they prepped for the next year's season. He was not offered a break from football, not like he needed it but gosh was he annoyed. He, for once, sort of dreaded going. His chance to see George had gone out the window and probably will stay that way for a while.

Clay sighed and picked up his phone and plugged it in, charging it for the night. Talk about bad timing. Clay shook his head but soon contained himself to realize that he won't be gone forever. Maybe when he comes back that brunette would still be in his seat at the back of the diner at 1:30 am. Typing away on his computer and sipping his coffee.

Stop it. Don't get attached. What is wrong with you? You barely even bet the guy. Clay's mind battled with his heart, his eyes furrowing when he realized he couldn't seem to find his cleats. He let out a frustrated sigh and got on his hands and knees to look under his bed, there sat patches playing with the laces of his cleats. The blonde gently dragged both out from under the bed. Placing the shoes in his bag and Patches on his bed.

Glancing at the clock Clay realized it read 9:30pm. A sudden realization hit when he remembered something. Drista. He quickly scrambled out of his room and rushed over to across the hall where his sister's room was. Clay knocked lightly before being instructed to come in.

"Yes?" She asked, painting her nails. This time it was a dark green.


"I made grilled cheese earlier." She shrugged.

"Oh." Clay sighed, sort of disappointed in himself for forgetting he was responsible for his sister.

"Are you okay?" Clay asked, looking at Drista as she was intensely focusing on not messing up the paint on her nails. Drista's eyes avoided eye contact with her brother, all she did was nod. Clay didn't buy it, he walked over to her bed and sat on the edge, looking at his sister with a confused look on his face.

"What is it Drista?" Clay pressed, he knew that there was something wrong. Her demeanor was off, unlike usual. She finished painting the last nail then started blowing and waving her hands to help them dry faster. They sat in silence, besides the faint music playing in the background from the sister's phone.

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