~2~ Those Yellow Eyes

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TW ⚠️language



A hot coffee mug in one hand and a fry in the other. The brunette with a light blue crew neck and with a white button up under it, had his computer open in front of him with a blank google form pulled up. He couldn't seem to find the words to put on the page. Anything. Anything would work, just put your feelings on the damn page. He thought, tapping his fingers on the table.

Suddenly there was a ding from the bell at the front door of the diner. The brunette takes a glance at the time. Who the fuck would be in this diner at 2 am? He didn't look back to see who it was; instead he sunk a little lower in the seat continuing to type then delete phrases. Stressfully sipping the hot coffee every 30 seconds.

God I can't seem to express my feelings. I don't know how others can do it, its not as easy as it seems. He thinks to himself, looking at the ceiling and stuffing a fry in his mouth. The brunette sighs and finally calls it a night and shuts his computer. Staring at this stupid screen thinking that the words will come to mind is wishful thinking.

Karl walks over to the table, coffee pot in one hand and the check in the other. His head bopping to the music playing overhead.

"Done already, George?" Karl smirks as he was about to pour more coffee into the mug. The blue shirted male looks at his watch and checks the time. 2:30 am, I should probably go home.

"Actually, Karl, I am done for the night." He says, stopping him before he pours the hot liquid into the cup.

"Okie dokie, here's the check! I'll see you later man" Karl exclaims as he slides the paper onto the table in exchange for the near-empty coffee cup. He pats my back and walks off to go clean George's mug and then walks over to the other occupied table.

George finishes packing up his things, which he really did not want to do. God, I don't wanna go home. George stuffs his computer in his black messenger bag and swings it over his shoulder. Deep in thought and looking at the floor George heads for the door. Suddenly George runs into another person. Hard.

He's on the floor rubbing his forehead

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow" The brunette mutters, rubbing his forehead from the collision.

"Shit, sorry dude I wasn't looking where I was going," Said the one he ran into, one hand holding a to-go cup of coffee and the other reached out to help George up.

"No, it's fine, I should have been looking as well." Said the brunette boy in a British accent. George grabbed the others hand and let him help him off the ground. George was brushing off his pants with one hand, avoiding eye contact. Then he finally looked up. Whoa.

George looks at the very, very, tall, muscular man before him. He had to have been around 6'3 with beautiful yellow eyes and dirty blonde hair. He was so handsome. His face was chiseled, his jawline sharp. His hair was wavy length and kind of fluffy as it sat on his head. George could feel his cheeks get warm and his stomach started to flutter. The other's eyes worried about hurting the person he just ran into. They stared at each other for what seemed like minutes, but to have guessed it was maybe like 10 seconds.

Uhm, I'm sorry but I have to go, it's sort of late." George says, kind of flustered. His hand still in the blonde boys, his grip not letting him go. His hands were big and warm, compared to George's awfully cold, small hands. The other didn't say anything, he just kept staring at the shorter brunette. George let go of the other hand and the blonde seemed to wake up from his gaze at the shorter boy and finally letting go of his hand.

"Ahem, sorry I guess I'm tired, sort of zoned out." said the tall male with a slight smile. George nodded awkwardly. And Breaks the stare that the two shared.

He quickly grabbed his bag off the ground, waved goodbye to Karl, and hurriedly walked out the door to his car and sat in the driver's seat for a minute before starting the car. He then looked at the clock that reads 3 am. George slowly pulls out of the vacant parking lot, dreading what awaits for him at home.


George pulls up to his driveway. He sneaks around the side of the house and finds his room, quietly George slides the window open and steps through. Setting his bag onto the chair at the desk and then plopped down in the bed. God what was that feeling. That guy was so... hot. George's stomach fluttered at the memory of his perfect face . Shaking his head and slipped his shoes off. I probably should have talked to the guy instead of running away. George thought while putting his pj's on.

Looking at the time it read 3:30 am. George climbed into his bead and layed there staring at the ceiling and thinking of the tall boy he "met" in the diner. Slowly falling asleep to the image of his perfectly golden yellow eyes.



Word Count: 960

A/N: Ahaha creepy right? Imagine this happened to you and the person u just met fell asleep thinking about you lmaooo. ANYWAYS I swear it'll pick up more later, these are like pilot chapters to kind of introduce the characters and how they meet lol. Please leave comments and suggestions down below! Make sure you drink water and remember to eat today. You are loved!!

Until next time lovley's!


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