~40~ I Love You

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Helloooo sorry I'm posting so late, 3am is my prime time ya know. Sit back and relax cuz this is a fucking long ass chapter- also if u can infer from the fanart above-



George woke up to the sound of pans clattering to the floor downstairs. He groaned and rolled over to where Clay usually laid so he could lay on him. Instead, he was met with an empty side of the bed with cold sheets. George internally whined and sat up. He rubbed his eyes, when he looked at his hands they were covered in black and blue. Shit, I forgot to take my makeup off last night.

The brunette rolled out of bed and stumbled a bit on his feet. He walked over to the bathroom and used the makeup wipes Drista gave George to take off the atrocious smeared makeup on his face. The eyeshadow was faded and heavily messed up. The left on mascara caused there to be dark lines under his water line. His lips were stained red, along with the skin surrounding them.

When George finished cleaning off his face he straightened Clay's baggy shirt he was wearing. He had to pull the plaid PJ pants up as high as they would go and tie them really tight to prevent them from falling right off his small frame. George groaned and walked over to the door in search of the blond.

As George made it closer and closer down the stairs he could hear Beth talking. George thought she was sleeping over at Tommy's, they must have come home early. When George reached the bottom of the stairs the first person to see was his sister who squealed with delight and sprinted out of the kitchen.

"Happy birthday!" She exclaimed before basically tackling her brother into a hug. George chuckled and hugged her back. They knew that today was not only his birthday but the day that everything would start to turn up. "Thank you," he whispered before Beth jumped off of him.

Clay was sitting at the kitchen island after being kicked out of his own kitchen by Beth. When it comes to cooking, she's the one calling the shots. If she wants you out of the kitchen, you're out of the damn kitchen. George stumbled up to Clay who turned his phone off and placed it on the counter.

George placed his head on Clay's back, wrapping his arm around the blond's waist. "Hi," George murmured, his eyes started to shut again. He was still tired but he couldn't seem to want to go back to sleep alone. Clay spun around in the chair and faced the brunette that was heavy eyed.

"Tired?" Clay asked, brushing a piece of hair out of George's face and pushing it behind his ear. George shook his head, "Me? Tired? Never," He said with a yawn. Clay chuckled and rolled his eyes then opened his arms to which the other boy immediately collapsed into.

"Happy Birthday," Clay whispered. George hummed in acknowledgment before burning his face further into the blond's chest. "Sleep, bed, please?" George mumbled out a few sentences to Clay who just shook his head.

"We have a day planned today, we can't sleep anymore." Clay says, earning an annoyed groan from George. The brunette lifted his head up, his chin resting on Clay's chest whilst brown chocolate eyes looked into green ones.

"What are we doing?" George asked. Clay shrugged and kissed the top of George's nose, "It's a surprise." George rolled his eyes and sighed, "I hate surprises." Clay chuckled and nodded, "I know."

Beth was almost finished cooking breakfast. On the menu that morning was waffles and fruit. She found a mini waffle maker in one of the cabinets and insisted on using it because they 'would look so cute.'

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