~11~ You Remember Me?

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No TW :]



Clay walked toward his math class after leaving his football equipment in his locker in the locker rooms. He was sore, given, he was tired from the past month and a half of excruciating exercise. He certainly did not want to be here. One would think that "Hey it's your senior year! Take advantage of it, you should be happy!" but that was indeed not the case for Clay. He was tired, exhausted, and planned on sleeping this period. Yeah, extremely productive.

God, I don't want to be here. I want sleep. Suddenly he was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and was met with a familiar face.

"Hey, Nick." Clay said with as much excitement as he could muster.

"Hey man. Haven't seen you since camp? What's up?" Clay just shrugged and continued walking.

"It's been alright, what about you?" Clay answered.

"It's been good, I think." Nick furrowed his eyebrows a bit as if he was thinking really hard.

"You think?"

"Yeah, I met someone. Karl, actually. From the diner." Nick answered, quietly. Clay's eyes widened a bit but he was not really surprised.

"Good for you man. You deserve it." Clay arrived to his class, he did his little handshake that they always did since the 5th grade.

Clay then walked into class right as the warning bell went off. He scanned the room for any familiar face until he spotted one. Oh my god. No way. That's not him. No, the world may be small but not THAT small. Clay made his way over to the table where a brunette with a yellow crewneck and back ripped jeans sat.

Clay tapped the table, trying to get the attention of the other and get a better look at his face. When the other turned Clay froze. It's him. It's actually him. He watched as the Brunette eyed his and tilted his head. He probably doesn't remember me.

"Hey, uh, can I sit here?" Clay asks and points to the empty chair. The other nodded then turned his head back toward the window. Clay sat down and started playing different scenarios in his head on how to talk to the other. "Oh hey, remember me? I bumped into you at a diner in the middle of the night and stared at you." "Hey Clay I'm George" Wait I said that wrong. Clay's mind raced at the different things he could say that would determine his entire future relationship with the boy. He finally mustered up the courage and tapped his shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Clay."He stuck out his hand for a handshake. God, I'm so awkward. The other was hesitant, his dark eyes darting from his hand to his face until he finally took it.

"I'm George." The other said with a slight smile on his face. God, he was cute, the way his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink when he smiled or how pretty his eyes were. Stop staring you're going to creep him out. Clay finally broke eye contact and withdrew his hand. He faced forward to the board where the teacher stood.

"Hello, Class! I am Ms. Puffy and I am going to be your math teacher for the last year of your high school experiences!" The teacher talked with such excitement that was unsettling for a Monday morning.

"Today we are going to do some ice breakers!" Almost the entire class groaned.


*After ice breakers*

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