~45~ The Hurricane Is Over

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Hii! The chapter's a bit short but not really :)

Happy reading!



A bit has happened. It is currently mid to late December. George and Beth had moved into their new apartment. Their parents' funeral took place a few days after their mother passed. The service was held on November 12th. Only George and Beth went to the funeral because they simply didn't want anyone there. Plus, to be frank, nobody would have been there anyway.

Neither George nor Beth were in contact with their parents' family so they probably have no idea about the condition of Nathan and Sophia.

Since George and Beth were still in school, they had to go back for finals. Not many people knew about what happened with their parents and what happened with Beth, thank god. The teachers went easy on the Davidsons and excused them from their late work assignments. No rumors or gossip really went around, which was a relief.

Karl ended up keeping Cat because they had formed a bond that George didn't have the heart to break. Right now, everyone was off for holiday break. Christmas was in a little over a week.

Ever since the incident last month, Beth refuses to cook. She can't bring herself to pick up a knife to cut anything, it just worsens her state. She has been going to a therapist for a few weeks, it was mostly Beth's idea. She knew that she probably needed professional help to heal properly, she feared that she would develop dangerous habits as a way of coping.

Since Beth can't cook, George has taken it upon himself to try and learn. He sometimes gets verbal tips from his sister but so far he has been just winging it.

Today was December 17. Beth was out with Tommy and George was home alone. Clay said he would stop by later after Drista finished cutting his hair. To George's dismay, Clay decided to get his hair cut. He liked the blond's hair longer so he just hoped that it wasn't styled too short.

Currently, George was sat on the couch in the living room simply waiting for his boyfriend to arrive. George had given Clay a key to their place when he was able to get a copy of the key. He said it was 'just in case', meaning that he can just come over whenever George wanted and he wouldn't have to get up.

"What's taking him so long?" George mumbled under his breath. He wrapped his green fluffy blanket around his body and burrowed himself inside. Yes, this is the blanket he usually slept with at Clay's house. When he moved, he 'sneakily' stole his boyfriend's favorite blanket and refused to give it back.

George rolled on the 'L' part of the couch, his head was hanging over the edge. He moved his head back and forth, watching his hair wave in the air. It was unexpectedly entertaining. Just as George started blowing the hair, watching it float back and forth, the sound of keys in the front door lock caught his attention.

His apartment door opened and all George could see were the person's legs and shoes. "I hope you're my boyfriend because if you aren't, this would be really awkward." George joked. The taller laughed, "Don't worry, it's me." George raised his head a bit and squinted his eyes at Clay's hair.

"Lemme feel." George reached out his hands. The blond laughed and bent down for George to pet the newly cut hair. "It's still kinda long." George said excitedly. He sat up from his position on the couch, a wave of dizziness from the rush of blood to his head washed over him.

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