~17~ Letterman Jacket

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*Skip Thursday, it's boring anyways 🙄*

(Last period, chemistry hehe)

"Alright class, we are going to be making batteries with saltwater, air, and metal! Please get into groups of two to prepare for the lab." Mr. Brown said, stapling the last of the packets before passing them out. Usually, George would be upset and work by himself because Alex and Karl would team-up. What could he do, they were boyfriends after all. He always made sure to let them know he was okay with working on his own or with another stranger in the class, he didn't want them to feel bad.

Now George was kinda happy that they would team together because George had one other friend in that class, Clay. Yep, Clay Jameson. The same Clay that George thought of his entire summer, the same Clay that let him sleepover at his house, the same Clay that constantly made George blush crimson.

George reached into his backpack for a pencil when the chair next to him was pulled out. The sound of a backpack thumping on the ground. He turned around to see the blonde sitting next to him. He had a smile on his face when they looked at each other.

"Partners?" Clay asked, turning in his seat and facing George. The brunette nodded and turned in his seat as well. Mr. Brown walked down each row, handing out a packet for each of the groups. George had Mr. Brown last year and when the teacher saw that the brunette wasn't working alone he showed a smile.

The two worked together in the lab, their knees brushing together as they moved. They prepped their materials. They dissolved their salt in the water and placed the metal plates inside the bowl, then clipping the cables to the metal (please I have no idea how to chemistry, I haven't taken it yet- I googled this shit).

It was halfway through the class. The room was filled with chatter and George could hear the giggles coming from behind his, inevitably from Karl and Alex. Their giggles and laughs were extremely recognizable.

George was writing on the paper when he suddenly shivered. Goosebumps trailed along his arms and legs. This was most likely because the Chemistry class had been the coldest room in the building. The shiver was intense, causing George to lift his pencil off the paper and put it down. He then rubbed his arms to try and warm himself up.

Clay caught this and saw the poor boy was shivering. In one swift motion, he took off his letterman jacket.

"Here, wear this," Clay said, handing the jacket to George.

"What? No, you're going to be cold. I'll be fine, there's only like twenty minutes left of class. I'll be fine." George said, pushing the jacket into Clay's lap. Clay rolled his eyes and draped the fabric over the brunette's shoulders.

"I don't get cold. You need it more than I do." Clay said, pulling the jacket around George.

"Thank you," George said quietly. He lifted the letterman a bit to fit his arms through the sleeves, it was extremely big given his small size. The green material was soft on the inside. It smelled faintly like cinnamon, like Clay's room. The overall smell was from the blonde's cologne. George discreetly inhaled the intoxicating scent.

The brunette then wrapped the jacket around him, trapping the warmth inside. The letterman was still warm from Clay's body heat. On the jacket sleeve, there were big block numbers: 23. On the front was the same font lettering but the initials of their high school instead. The jacket was green and white. It smells like him.

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