~32~ Wet And Wild

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How was your day today? REALLY long chapter ahead, also don't yell at me in the comments, ill explain in the A/N



George laid on his side, admiring the sleeping boy next to him. Clay was fast asleep, his face was relaxed and snuggled against the multiple blankets on the bed. George delicately brought a hand to the side of his face, tracing faint little shapes into his cheeks and down his neck. His fingers trailed down and up his arms softly. His skin was warm the the touch, which was surprising because his house was always freezing cold.

The shorter boy trailed his hand back to Clay's face, cupping it gently while swiping his thumb over the other boy's cheek. After a few minutes the blond started to stir, his emerald eyes fluttering open. An immediate smile spread across his lips when he saw George, who was also smiling.

"Good morning" The taller boy mumbled as he scooted closer so his head was leaning against George's chest with the brunette's chin resting on top of his head.

"G' morning" George mumbled, his hands dragging to the back of Clay's head, his fingers entangling in his hair as he gently massaged his scalp. The blond was about to drift off again from George's touch but was interrupted.

"We have to get up, it's late" George whispered, burying his face into the soft hair. Clay groaned in annoyance, wrapping his arms around George's waist and pulling him closer. George giggled, placed a soft kiss on top of the taller boy's head, then tried to pry him off.

"Clay it's like 11 am, we have to get up. Our sisters got up before us." The other boy finally loosened his grip, letting George have enough time to crawl out of the bed. The shorter swung his legs over the side of the bed, placing his feet onto the plush carpet. When he stood up, he grimaced at the cracks and pops of his joints.

George walked over to the other side of the bed where Clay had moved a pillow over his face, blocking any sunlight to bother him. George rolled his eyes and grabbed the pillow, gently pulling it off Clay's face.

"Wha- no 5 more minutes" the blond rolled over, facing away from George.

"Nope, you're getting up. I'm going home today, remember? Let's do something fun." George grabbed Clay's hands and pulled him up into sitting position. The taller boy rolled his eyes and swung his legs over the side of the bed, getting out of the warm comfort of blankets and pillows.

"Fineee have you thought of anything?" The blond asked, rubbing his eyes with his hands. George shrugged and turned around, grabbing his backpack and a few clothes that reside inside.

"Nope. You can figure that out while I get ready" George giggled before exiting the room and into the bathroom. Clay sighed, a small smile on his face. He loved falling asleep with George in his arms and waking up to him there. His hands brushing through his hair. His fingers delicately tracing his skin. It was nice, Clay hadn't slept this well in a while. With George in his arms every morning for about a week was the highlight of his day.

Clay used to not be able to sleep. His mind would be running a thousand miles a minute, that is until he met George. There was something about him that made Clay crave everything about him. His touch, his voice, his laugh, his presence. Sleeping in the same bed with the brunette had eased the other boy's mind, making his racing thoughts slow to a steady pace. A pace that allows him to go to bed at a reasonable time and not be extremely tired the next day.

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