~44~ You Can Heal Now, It's Okay

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Hello! Shortish chapter :) 

Happy reading!



"Okay, you just have to sign here and here." The nurse pointed to two blank lines with x's written next to them. George hummed and signed his signature on the designated spots. When he finished skimming the fine print, he handed the clipboard back to the nurse who took it behind the desk. She started typing on her computer before signaling for him to go back into the room.

George nodded and trudged back into the critical floor hospital room. He silently opened the door and slipped in.

Beth was sitting in one of the chairs next to Sophia's hospital bed. She had a pained look on her face while holding her mom's hand. "I'm sorry, I tried." She whispered.

A small, nearly invisible tear slipped down Beth's cheek and dripped off her jaw and onto the bedsheets.

"Hey," George said quietly as he pulled out a chair next to his sister. She hummed in response and whipped her tears away. "Is it done?" George nodded and patted Beth's back.

"Yeah, I just signed the papers." Beth nodded and closed her eyes. "We're doing the right thing, right? Giving her organs up or whatever?" George hummed and nodded. "At least this way she would have helped someone else."

The two siblings fell into silence, the echoing of hospital monitors filled the room. The sound had become white noise that they've grown accustomed to. In the end, George and Beth both decided to donate Sophia's organs because they felt it was sort of a waste to just let them die. It mostly helped put Beth's mind at ease with the whole 'I killed dad and now I'm killing my mom' mindset.

The short, momentary, silence was interrupted by a female nurse walking in. She had her hair tied up into a messy bun with a pen behind her ear. She was holding a clipboard in one hand and a coffee in the other.

"Good afternoon, I'm nurse Mae but feel free to call me Annabel." The nurse introduced herself. Beth hummed and gave a weak smile before saying 'hello' back.

"I'm going to start prepping Sophia for the extraction surgery. We need Mr. Davidson here to sign a few more papers before we proceed." Annabel extended her clipboard forwards. George nodded and took the clipboard. He took a pen out of his hoodie pocket and signed his name on the dotted lines, eager to get this over with.

"Thank you," Annabel hummed as she took the clipboard from George. She took the pen from behind her ear and wrote a few things on the paper before putting it back to its original spot.

"She will be prepped in about 15 minutes, is there anything you guys need in the meantime?" George and Beth shook their heads. Beth had given up on the idea of trying to hide her tears, it was obvious that she was devastated. It was her mother after all.

"I'm extremely sorry for you both, if there is anything I can do just page me." And with that, Nurse Mae left the room to turn in the paperwork.

Beth sniffled and wiped her nose with her sleeve, "We're going to be on our own now, huh?" She gave a dry laugh, not one of humor but one full of the overwhelming shock of reality. George hummed and pulled his sister into a hug. "It's going to be okay, we have each other."

Beth hugged back, or tried to because her arm feigned it difficult to do so. "I kind of hated her, you know?" Beth confessed. George hummed and nodded, "Yeah, I know."

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