~43~ You Liked It, Didn't You?

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This chapter is a bit shorter than the previous ones. Sorry for the delayed update! If you want, listen to "Panic Room" by Au/Ra while reading, don't forget to loop it.

Happy reading!



Beth Pov

"Yeah yeah I know, I'm looking for my charger right now" Beth said, searching her room for her phone charger because it was about to die. There was a sudden shouting from downstairs that Beth tried to desperately ignore.

"I'm so over it" Beth groaned. "Over what?" Drista asked through the phone. Beth shrugged, which was seen because the two were on facetime. "My parents."

"Oohh" Drista hummed through the phone. She was currently painting her nails at her desk. Her phone was propped up on a water bottle that was set on the desk. Beth groaned and threw a pillow off the bed, trying to find her damn charger.

"I think I may have left it downstairs." Beth groaned, hearing the yelling voices through her door. "My parents are down there, they're ye-" Beth was cut off by an awfully loud sharp scream and glass breaking. That's never happened before.

"Drist, I think something's wrong." Beth said, her voice quiet.

"What do you mean?" Drista asks, capping the bottle of red nail polish. Beth just flinches at the sound of something breaking downstairs.

"I think I'm going to go see what's going on." Beth mumbled. Drista raised an eyebrow before saying, "I don't think that's the best idea, Beth"

The brunette rolls her eyes and shrugs, "Probably not, but I gotta make sure they aren't killing each other down there or something." Beth jokes. Drista huffs and nods, "Take the phone with you though, don't hang up."

Beth nods and grabs her phone, eyeing the battery percentage. 3%, damn. She shuffled out of her room and started going downstairs, her legs feeling weirdly numb but she brushed it off.

When she got closer towards the bottom of the stairs she started getting suspicious. The noise had started to dial down, it was eerily quiet.

Beth reached the last step and dropped her phone. Drista's voice buzzed out of the phone but was blocked out. Beth's eyes were wide when she spotted her father on top of her mom, his thick finger wrapped around her thin neck.

"Oh- Oh my god" She muttered before running over to the kitchen to pry her father off Sophia.

"Get off of her you asshole! You're going to kill her!" Beth screamed as her nails dug into her father's bicep. His head whipped to the side, stone cold blue eyes meeting terrified ones.

Everything went by in a flash. Nathan shoving her back to the counter. He unwrapped his fingers from Sophia's neck and started to beat his daughter. When he grabbed a broken beer bottle nose and threw it at his daughter's face, cutting a long and deep gash on her jawline, she could barely feel it.

Blood dripped down Beth's neck and onto her clothes. A burning and tingling sensation attacked the right half of her face, her jaw feeling the new warmth of blood oozing out of the wound. The pain that rushed over her was exceptional.

Beth couldn't even process anything as she laid on the floor in a ball, kicks and punches soaring at her. Nathan grabbed her by the front of her shirt and pulled her up before punching her back down, harder than usual. An unfamiliar crack echoed through Beth's head and her left shoulder felt as if a million nails had been drilled into her. Her arm was motionless and grew numb, the pain temporarily subsiding from the adrenaline rush.

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