~3~ Beer Bottles and Bacon

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TW ⚠️ Drinking, being drunk, domestic violence, abuse, all that shit. Language, blood (small), medicine (small). Please if this can trigger you I suggest you do not read this Fic, honestly, be safe loves!




George was abruptly woken to yelling downstairs. What the hell.

*glass shatters*

George stumbles out of bed and starts hurrying downstairs.

"I SAID GET OUT! OUT OUT OUT!" George hears his mother screaming at someone downstairs. Probably dad, again. His little sister standing in the middle of the stairs shaking and holding onto the railing.

"Bethany, what the hell?" George speaks, lightly grabbing her shoulders. Her eyes stained with tears and she couldn't seem to stop shaking.

"M-m-mom a-a-and d-da-" She starts, stuttering then not being able to finish any sentences. He already knew what was going on. George grabbed Beth by the wrists and led her to her room.

"Stay here Beth, okay? I'll be right back" George says while hugging her. She just stands there in shock before sitting on her bed, her face the same as before. Pure shock. George carefully leaves Bethany's room then runs downstairs

"Mom! What the hell happened?!" George says looking between his two parents. His Dad was just standing there with a dazed expression on one side of the kitchen, his fists clenched to the point that his knuckles were white. George's mother was on the other side by the cabinets and oven, sobbing with a glass plate in her hand, a broken beer bottle on the floor next to her. Behind her on the cabinets in the kitchen was liquid and it was broken, beer was George's guess. Ok ok, so my parents are fighting, again. There is alcohol so Dad is most likely drunk.

"Nathan get the hell out of this house! I will call the police if you don't leave. RIGHT. NOW." George's mother screamed. George was scanning the room, his father was silent. Ok, so this is what most likely happened he thought to himself, slightly shaking, Dad got drunk, as per usual, and got into an argument with mom about it. Mom confronted him and he threw the bottle at her, thankfully missing and hitting the cabinets. That was what the glass shattering sound was that I heard earlier. George took a deep breath.

"Dad, just go. Come back when you're sober before you do something you regret" George says walking toward his dad to lead him to the front door. God, he's out of it, he can barely stand. His dad turned to George and pushed him to the ground

"Don't tell me what to do boy." He scolded. George quickly got up and said it again.

"Just go. Leave or I will call the cops on you." George said, more power in his voice this time. He opened the front door and his dad followed suit with a groan of annoyance and mumbling incoherent words. He left, going to god knows where. That was easier than expected.

George let out a shaky sigh and as he shut and locked his door. He was slightly shaking as he took his fingers off the door handle. Palms sweaty and his heart racing. He turned around and rushed to his mom who was shaking and still holding the white glass plate.

"Mom, it's okay. He's gone now." George reassured while carefully taking the plate out of his Mom's grasp and setting it in the sink. She stayed silent, refusing to move. Her face was stained with tears, a bruise starting to show on her arm and a cut across the side of her forehead.  George carefully led her to the couch. And sat her down, still saying nothing.

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