Chapter 32

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Messiah Arlington Jones

I sat down in my apartment with the guys. I knew I told Kye I would leave this stuff alone but somebody tried something and I'm not having it. It's not as easy to leave like people think. And because I can't do shit but sit in the house. So technically I'm not doing anything they are.

I had the paper to sent to the lab to see if there were fingerprints on it but they weren't this person was careful. I even tried figuring out where the paper came from but the person doing this good at it. I just know they watching me too or at least have people with them.

I'm watching everybody around me. It couldn't be her brothers I know how protective they are of her so I cross them off my list but you really never know. It was just me and her brothers I didn't wanna have anyone else. I just hope it isn't Ant and Slim.

I didn't cross her friends of the list they looked like real friends but girls can be some of the grimiest people you'll meet. I was';t telling her to stay away from them or anything just had to be careful.

I don't want a replay of what happened. She pregnant and all of this could cause her to lose it or die herself especially with all this stress. Taking care of herself mentally, Shiloh, and running he business.

I wanted her to do all this without having to watch her back every time she went out and since most likely it's my fault so, I have to find a solution.

I sat at the table thinking when her brothers left.

My phone rings on the table.

"Boss, All the camera systems are off at the warehouse blocked off not working. But motion sensors detect movement so something going on. I just wanted to let you know before we headed over there." I nodded my head mad because I couldn't go because of the possibilities of what could happen.

I sit down anxiously waiting for a call back on whats going on. I had already called the guys to go and see what's up. Whoever did this would try it when I can't get out the house.

I sit for an hour pacing my apartment I came over here cause I didn't wanna do this stuff at Kye's crib.

I sat down for a minute then left my apartment to go to Kye's.

I walked in to see my brother, ma, and sister sitting on the couch. I gave ma and Saii a hug and dapped my sister up.

I walked over to Kye she was getting something out of the cabinet came up to her and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey," she smiled getting Shiloh's sippy cup and filling it up with juice.

"Well I'm about to leave, let me know if ya'll need anything."

Kye thanked her giving them a hug before they left. Kye walked into the room and gave Shiloh the juice he leaned in unto his mom.

"What were you doing? Your on probation don't start shit and get yourself in trouble. Already know you doing something you have no business doing?" she whispered putting the tv on Shiloh stuff.

I nodded, keeping quiet cause I knew she was right. I got text message and apparently someone went through all of the stuff.

"We their people in the warehouse at all times or did ya'll just leave it like that?" Kye asked looking at my phone.

"Usually, but not then I don't think so?"

"Maybe there was someone there, may have let the person in. How tight is your security systems."

"They all out."

"It's real stupid to leave your main money source unprotected," she told me shaking her head.

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