Chapter 25

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Zeanna Kye Taylor

(November in case y'all confused)

Today was Messiahs birthday and he was coming over and I was just gonna mess with him. You know maybe make him mad or whatever. We were gonna spend the day with him since he went out with his friends yesterday.

It was around 11 and I just left my store packaging orders with my employees to be sent off and making sure everything was in there place.

I sat down planning what I was gonna do for his birthday. I got up and played with Shiloh since I was bored waiting on him.

He just smiled at me and told me little words like "mama" or "eat" or "dada" it was cute to watch my baby grow up. I've been reading to him almost every night before he goes to sleep.

After sitting her for an hour Messiah walks into my apartment all happily and stuff. I was gonna ignore him and act like I forgot about his birthday.

He was smiling ear to ear and looking so happy like he had some news or something. He walked over to me wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey pretty" He kissed my cheek. I got out from his hold and walked into the living room turning on some show for Shiloh.

He picked Shiloh up giving him a kiss.

"What you doing boy?" Shiloh smiled and kissed him back.

"Da daaaa"

"Why yo moms not answering me back?... huh?"

"I did something I ain't know about"

He sat Shiloh down and he started crawling around trying to stand up. He was getting so big trying to do stuff. I walked over to him to make sure he was okay and didn't fall.






"Mother to my children"

"Future wife"

"What I do?" he mugged me.

I was trying so hard to ignore him.

"Ma'am can you communicate and tell me what's wrong"

"I'm about to leave" He said walking out the door

He slammed the door left and came back in and started to me follow behind me everywhere I went.

"Did you forgot what today was?"

"I came to tell you something important"

"Wait can people go deaf over night, let me look that up" he took his phone out and started typing. He scrunched his face up confused.

His phone rang in his hand and he answered. The person on the phone started talking. "Yeah, she not here come get this duck."

I almost broke my neck turning over to him.

He stated laughing coming to sit next me kissing all over my face.

"Ion know what game you playing but wake me up when you done"

As he got up to head to the room I ran up to him and jumped on his back hissing the back of his neck.


He mugged me "thanks"

"You like my prank"

"Alikikiki, stop playing games"

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