Chapter 17

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Messiah Arlington Jones
Chicago, IL

I walk into warehouse to see, Jay, Nofia, Slim, Bean, Jordan, and Fabien. They calling me over here I don't even know with what.

I was on the phone with Zeanna. I had my air pods on.

"What y'all want?"

"Nigga, walk in with a fucking attitude," Jay says.

"The lion needs to be tamed," Nofia got up.

"Y'all always on games"

"Calm down dude," Fabien says following Nofia. "I gotta get up"

I follow behind them.

"So likeeeeee......" Slim says

"We fucked up" bean says

"Correct that sentence peasant, you fucked up. I'm not tryna have the ops and this nigga on my head," Jordan start pointing at me.

I stared at them.

"Somebody came in her stole most of our guns and money" Jordan went on.

One would have been able to get this stuff butt he people standing in front of me.

"So which one of y'all find die"

"Not it"

"Not it"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"I'm scared now"

"When did this happen?"


I was starting to get heated cause what the fuck. The security around this thing was so tight and the guns and money you had to put finger prints and passcodes in and shit.

Meaning on or more of the fuck ass niggas was apart if it I just need to find out who it was.

"I'm finna go change my passcodes and shit"

"You should get an abandoned warehouse, it would be better than house. Get a big one so you have place to maneuver and get business down easier," Kye told me.

"Yeah, ima do that. Look at you with the ideas."

"I'm burning this one down too after I get everything. Ion want feds over here thing we on something" I told them. "We need a warehouse too."

I would have to watch all of them now cause this ain't never happened before.


I walk into slims crib to see Jay, Jordan, Nofia, and Bean.

"I wanna have SEEEEEGGGGGGGGGSSSSS" Bean yelled

"We should jump off of a building together"Nofia said singing

"What did y'all take?"

"I think I'm broke" Jay said

"Is that a Roaaaaacccccchhhhhh?"

"Yo wtf did y'all take"

"I don't knowwwwww" Fabien said

I look around the room to see drugs, weed, Henny and dusse around.

"If you ask what we took one mo time, ima shoot you" Jordan said

This niggas is crazy drunk and high, we suppose to be getting work done and they drinking. Can't even hold they liquor.

"Is it really Friday. I mean do we really know. Are we really in the month of April. This could all be a lie" Nofia said.

Children is what I'm looking at right now.

Zeanna Kye Taylor

Im bored right now and decide to do something more productive. I started to get some work done for my business packaging new orders.

I'm looking at places I could open some beauty supplies in. The business was doing good plus the money I had saved up I might not even need to get a mortgage. I wasn't turning 18 in like 3 months, I was excited.

I feel like I'd be able to start moving on more in my life. I started doing some deep cleaning in the apartment and opening up windows.

I needed to go to the bank to get some money to pay bills. I stopped to get gas. I got some snacks too I was hungry.

I got back to the house and get even more bored. I miss my Shiloh he would keep me occupied and him just so cute to be around. He growing up on me. I got a message.

ThaNigga💀- I'm finna come over
Kye 👽 - K

After like 30 minutes he walked into my apartment with food. I smiled I love food.

"What you doing?" He told me handing me my food.

"Here Bored, nothing to do?" I told him. "I was with Slim and them."

"That's good"

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and started eating his food. I turned on grey's anatomy.
I've always wanted to be in the Medical Field but I don't know if that'll ever happen.

We watched like a good season of the show. Messiah fell asleep.

I went right after him.

"You guys last class is over, get your work done." I was in the 6th grade and usually I'd walk home with my best friend and two sisters but my sisters were sick today and stayed home.

It was just me and Kayden. We were talking with friends.

"We should go to the store and get some snacks for your sisters," she told me.

"Okay, let's go"

We walked into the store got the snacks and left. It was hot out today and I didn't feel like walking this much. We got into the house and it was so quiet. I was confused but forgot about it because I knew they were sick and possibly asleep.

I went to all of the rooms and no one was there Kayden and I walked into the basement quietly because we heard cries.

We hid behind something recording. My mothers and sisters were tied up. As my dad talked about a bunch of b.s.

"I'm sad guys, " he told them as he held a gun in his hand.

"Exactly your sad why we gotta go with you" my sister told him. I called 911 on my phone I was far enough to where they couldn't hear me.

My dad had always been in some way abusive. This was surprising but not at the same time. He always talked about how he'd kill us then kill him self after.

Kayden sat next to me crying as she recorded. The police said they were on there way. I couldn't do anything because of the situation I was in.

My mother and sister caught into me hiding and mouth me to leave.

I sat there shocked I didn't know what to do I closed my eyes for one second and the next they were all gone. I would see them again. My mother, and sisters. People I've always had all gone.

My 'dad' he killed them.

The police came to late anyways. They asked me questions and all I could do was stare I was broken.

*One Month Later*
I moved in with 'bothers' who had left when they had grown older, I was terrified.  Anything I'd encounter in life reminded me of them and I hated it. But over time I'll think I'll be come better.

I learned to build a connection and bind with them. Especially Jordan he was always there with me. He's that brother everyone needs in situations. Even through all this I was still FINDING PEACE.

Its like it isn't here.

FINDING PEACE حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن