Chapter 9

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Zeanna Kye Taylor
Chicago, IL

After all my deliveries were made for the day

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After all my deliveries were made for the day. I started to put my clothes up I was excited. I was gonna set my room up then I start my baby boys tomorrow.

They left to do shit that's gone get them in trouble. I continued packing. My couch, table, both beds, and room drawers. The apartment came with fridge and stuff so I didn't have to worry about toast  I had more coming tomorrow I just had to wait. I was hungry and my dumbass forgot to get food.

All I have is some fruit I brought earlier and chips.

I order some Uber eats and decided to stop for tonight I took a shower and got in my bed turning on Netflix and getting comfortable in my bead.


I woke up did some more unpacking. I got dressed some sweats and ate the fruit from yesterday. I called an Uber so I could get some food and any extra things for the apartment.

I went to Walmart and got some food stocking up so I wouldn't be in the store everyday. I liked coming to Walmart but it's boring when your buy yourself.

I got another Uber to Target. This having no car situation nor working for me. Defined my might just get one. I walked into Target getting pots and pants I wanted to get an air fryer. I would just order blender and other stuff like that I don't feel like carrying all this up those stairs.

I get done put my stuff up and start getting my sons room ready. Putting up the clothes and stuff I brought up in his room I bought 2 cribs one for his room and one I can move around with and put in my room.

I take a break on go on Instagram to see Messiah. He followed me a couple days ago and I'm just noticing so I followed back. I looked at some of his pics and him so fine, can't be real.

I wasn't really worried about talking to some at right now just working on my mental health and making sure my baby good. And that's if the feelings are mutual but what ever.

I finish up and go to my laptop and get some work done. Ordering some more business cards, making a website, and making social media accounts to promote my product coming out soon.

I got down to work and when I realized how long I had been working it was 8 p.m. and I was hungry and my pains were back again but this time they hurt more.

I walked into the kitchen breathing hard from the pain looking for something to eat.

I make a sandwich and as I'm taking a bite I feel water gush out of me. "Wow, I know this isn't happening right mow." I was getting annoyed and groaning as the pain come on. I was gonna try and call my brothers and friends, but I knew they went to a party. I rung each of their phone multiple times and no one answered. I really didn't wanna calm an ambulance right now.

I was thinking of calling Kaydens parents but they were probably sleep. I had one last person to try and it was Messiah or I was gonna have to Uber there. My brother have me his number one of these past days.

Messiah Arlington Jones
Chicago, IL

I walk into my crib with my food and head to my room so I can get in to shower

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I walk into my crib with my food and head to my room so I can get in to shower. I turn on my music so I can vibe while I eat.

I look and see Zeanna followed me back. Looking at her page she look different in the pics. I leave her page checking my messages.

I check my messages to see one of the sides asking if they can come over. As I'm about to answer my phone rings. It's Zeanna calling I make a confused face then answered the phone.

I answered the phone hearing her groaning. Is she getting fucked, I'm confused. "What's up?," I ask I was confused with her just calling. She ain't never did this before.

"I know your probably busy or tired, but I'm pretty sure I'm in labor but no one else is answering there phones. If you want you can just pick me up and drop me off real quick," she says.

"I'm on my way," as I slip on some slides and a jacket. I hopped in the car and sped to her house. I stayed on the phone on her she sounded like she was moving  around doing stuff.

I arrive at her house and see her with her jacket on with car seat and baby bag with her. I take her things and help her in the car.

"Thanks for coming to get me," she smiles. "Nah, it's cool. You can call me anytime," I tell her."

I rush to the hospital I help her in and they set her up and out her into a room. "Thanks again, you can leave now if you busy." she tells me. I could tell from her facial expressions she was in pain.

"Nah you family imma stay. I'm gonna call your brothers and see if they answer." I leave the room to call them boys but they ain't answer. I called some niggas they be around but no answer.
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